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How Can We Integrate Yoga Into Our Treatment Sessions With Clients With Cognitive Deficits From A Stroke?

Arlene Schmid, PhD, OTR

November 21, 2016



How can we integrate yoga into our treatment sessions with clients with cognitive deficits from a stroke?


That is a really great question. We do a Mini-Mental State Exam on our folks. They have to be able to follow instructions. They might still need help from you through the physical postures, but as long as they can follow most of the instructions, I feel like they can still benefit from yoga. We have not had anyone with severe cognitive impairment though. We have had lots of people not really be able to follow total instructions at the beginning, but pick it up by the end. We also have a lot of people who do not know their left from their right, which is a big challenge for yoga. Somehow, the yoga tends to help them with that as well, and that is probably just some body awareness. I think if you have someone who can follow some basic instructions, you could at least try yoga as an option for that person. 

arlene schmid

Arlene Schmid, PhD, OTR

Arlene Schmid, PhD, OTR is an Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Colorado State University.  Dr. Schmid has been an occupational therapist for nearly 20 years and a rehabilitation scientist for 10 years. Dr. Schmid has a long and extensive research history in rehabilitation research. The majority of her research studies have focused on the development and testing of interventions for people with neurological-based disabilities, such as stroke and brain injury. She has focused much of her research trajectory on the study of the benefits of yoga interventions for people with disabilities.  

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