Which program do you recommend to your users: Windows 7 Speech Recognition or Dragon Naturally Speaking?
One of the things to consider is that Windows Speech Recognition for 7 OS comes free with the Windows operating system. It is a great program for new users who do not need the power to navigate through programs such as Excel or Power Point. The speech recognition software works well and almost as accurate as Dragon Naturally Speaking.
For the advanced user, I would recommend Dragon Naturally Speaking. This program is for users wishing to access the internet, e-mail and more sophisticated programs as noted above. This program would be a necessity for someone who is working and needs to access the computer on a daily basis.
Glenn Goodman, Ph.D., OTR/L
Professor, Director
Dr. Goodman has been the Program Director of the MOT Program at Cleveland State University since 2001. He was promoted to Full Professor in 2010. He earned a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from Kent State University in 2000. He has published articles and book chapters on assistive technology for computer access, ergonomics for computer users, and effectiveness of industrial rehabilitation programs. He received the Award of Merit from the Ohio Occupational Therapy in 2008, and the Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching in 2003 from Cleveland State University. He received funding to support an Adapted Computer Lab in the CSU Library from the State Library of Ohio Library Services for Persons with Disabilities Grant in 2008.
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