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How Do Occupational Therapists Treat Clients With Dementia That Still Want To Drive?

Wendy Stav, PhD, OTR/L, SCDCM, FAOTA

May 23, 2016



How do occupational therapists treat clients with dementia that still want to drive?


This is really tough on families. You have to consider a family-centered care perspective, and it can be so difficult. There can be a lot of paranoia about "they are trying to take my car and get my money." I advise families in this situation to disable the vehicles. We have had families just sell the car. However, we have had people call up a car dealership and buy a new car with their credit card over the phone, and it gets delivered to their house. Disabling a vehicle can really hold people off for quite a bit of time. For example, you can take out one of the spark plugs, grind down the grooves on the key, or disconnect the cable to the battery. For somebody with dementia, and we are talking pretty advanced dementia, it is easy enough to hold people off for months by saying, "We are waiting for a part to come in." 

wendy stav

Wendy Stav, PhD, OTR/L, SCDCM, FAOTA

Wendy B. Stav, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA received a BS in occupational therapy from Quinnipiac University and a PhD in occupational therapy from Nova Southeastern University, as well as a specialty certification in driving and community mobility.  For more than 20 years her work has focused on driving and community mobility with involvement at the state and national levels include AOTA’s Older Driver Initiative, co-authorship of AOTA official documents, book chapters, and articles, and collaboration with the American Medical Association, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrator’s Older Driver Working Group. Dr. Stav was named to the AOTA Roster of Fellows in 2009 for her contributions to the advancement of driving and community mobility practice and received the Maryland Occupational Therapy Association Award of Merit for similar contributions to driving rehabilitation practice.  In recent years her scholarship has explored occupation-centered practice including contribution to a model of occupation-based practice, clinic makeover studies to enhance occupation-centered practice, and development of an assessment to measure occupation in practice.

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