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Does the Goal Attainment Scaling need certification?

Amanda Acord-Vira, EdD, OTR/L, CBIS

February 8, 2016



Does the Goal Attainment Scaling need certification?


No, it does not. Even in the Trombley & Radomski text that a lot of schools use, there are examples of how to complete Goal Attainment Scaling.  There may be some continuing education you can do to learn more about doing it.  It is an easy process.  You establish what you want your goal to be, and then based on how many times they did not do that goal, it either drops them  + or – a few numbers. The Goal Attainment Scaling is one that is often used alongside the COPM, especially for individuals who need input more frequently about the progress that they are making.  This is a tool that is used to motivate participants and foster awareness of deficits.

amanda acord vira

Amanda Acord-Vira, EdD, OTR/L, CBIS

Dr. Amanda Acord-Vira and is an Associate Professor in the Division of Occupational Therapy at West Virginia University. She is also the Principal Investigator on a Federal TBI State Grant Program with the Centers of Excellence and Disabilities with West Virginia University. She received her Master's of Occupational Therapy and Doctorate Degree in Educational Psychology from WVU and obtained her Graduate Certificate in Special Education and Traumatic Brain Injury from George Washington University. She has been involved in clinical occupational therapy practice, research and education for over 18 years focusing on traumatic brain injury. She has presented at several peer reviewed state and national conferences. She has also published several articles on brain injury and coauthored the Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Traumatic Brain Injury. In addition, she serves as the editor for the American Occupational Therapy Special Interest Section for Work and Industry and is the co-chair of the WV TBI Advisory Board. 

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