If an elderly patient is seen in the home by an OT, does there need to be an MD order if insurance is not involved?
It depends on the state. For example, you do not need an order/prescription to see/treat a patient in Florida under the state licensure law. However, all insurance companies and other reimbursement sources (Medicare/Medicaid/CHIP) require an order/prescription for reimbursement. If your state does not require an order/prescription, you can treat the client without it and bill the client.
For more information on the topic of "Side Gigs for OTs", please check out the OT Virtual Cafe chat.
Barbara Kornblau, JD, OT/L, FAOTA
Barbara L. Kornblau, JD, OTR/L, FAOTA, DASPE, CCM, CDMS, CPE is an attorney, an occupational therapist, a certified case manager, a certified disability management specialist, and a person with a disability. She is a Professor, (working remotely) and Program Director of Idaho State University’s Occupational Therapy Program and a consultant to the United Spinal Association’s Pathways to Employment Program
Dr. Kornblau is a former Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow in the U.S. Senate, where she worked on disability issues. She is a Past President of the American Occupational Therapy Association and a past chair of the AOTA Commission on Standards and Ethics. She is the current Advocacy and Policy Coordinator of AOTA’s Rehabilitation and Disability Special Interest Section. As an attorney, she litigated cases under the Americans with Disabilities Act, involving discrimination in employment, state and local government services, and health care services. Dr. Kornblau has presented nationally and internationally and is widely published.
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