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Mental Imagery with Patients with Sensory Deficits

Dawn Nilsen, EdD, OT/L

May 29, 2013



When using mental imagery with patients who have had a stroke, would the treatment be as effective with clients who have diminished sensation?


There has been much research in the area of mental imagery and mental practice with clients who have had a stroke.  Mental imagery is the active process by which an individual reproduces an object, scene or sensation as though they were occurring in physical reality (Jackson et al., 2001).  Mental practice is a training method during which an individual cognitively rehearses a physical skill using motor imagery in the absence of physical movements for the purpose of enhancing motor performance (Jackson et al., 2001).  While I did see that impaired cognition and diminished perception were in the exclusion criteria for the research studies that I went over, I did not see where sensory impairments such as position or tactile sense were excluded.  I am sure with a diagnosis of stroke some of these deficits may have been present in the participants.  You bring up a good point and something that should be further investigated.







dawn nilsen

Dawn Nilsen, EdD, OT/L

Dr. Nilsen received her degree in Occupational Therapy from New York University.  She received her doctorate in motor learning and control from Columbia University and is now an Assistant Professor in the Occupational Therapy program at Columbia University.  Her clinical expertise is in the area of neurorehabilitation and her research is focused on measuring upper extremity function after stroke, especially using kinematics, and examining the effectiveness of OT interventions.

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