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Overview of Young Children's Participation Environmental Measure (YC-PEM)

Mary Khetani, Sc.D., OTR

June 27, 2012



Can you give an overview of the YC-PEM (Version B)?


The YC-PEM asks about the parents’ perspective of how often their child participates, how involved their child is, and whether or not they desire change.  The areas where they desire change are the areas that would be identified for goal setting.  Those would guide the follow-up interview to construct an intervention plan that is participation focused. 

For each setting, the home and the community, the parent is also asked about a set of environmental factors that potentially can support and/or hinder participation.  Any time a parent desires change, there is a prompt that comes up on the online version that asks parents about strategies they have tried.  That type of information helps a practitioner like you take the results of an assessment and identify:

  • Areas where this family desires change – specific activities;
  • What are the environmental factors that are supporting or restricting participation?  We may be able to leverage the supports and find a way to minimize barriers;
  • What have the parents tried? Let’s leverage their expertise to an active family-centered approach to service planning;
  • What kinds of strategies work?  What kinds of strategies worked for a similar type of activity that we could adopt for this activity where they desire change, and which ones do they want to learn more about?

This type of assessment combining participation and environment, for both research and practice purposes, enables you to see specific patterns between or across settings, such as the home and community, but also within a setting.

mary khetani

Mary Khetani, Sc.D., OTR

Mary Khetani, ScD, OTR/L, is a pediatric occupational therapist and rehabilitation scientist who conducts childhood disability research. Dr. Khetani joined the UIC Department of Occupational Therapy in September 2015. In this role, she enjoys co-teaching a synthesis course in the entry-level program that employs problem-based learning, and she is developing a pediatric graduate elective. Dr. Khetani also directs the Children's Participation in Environment Research Lab (CPERL) that conducts interdisciplinary and multi-site research that is relevant to pediatric occupational therapy practice. She holds affiliate research appointments at the Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS) in Colorado and the CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research in Canada.

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