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Reimbursement for Animal Assisted Therapy

Melissa Winkle, OTR/L, FAOTA, CPDT-KA

December 12, 2012



Do you have any tips for getting reimbursed for animal assisted therapy?


I get this question asked all of the time.  Animal assisted therapy uses an animal as a modality to treat their clients, just like other equipment (ie. games, putty, cones).  A therapist needs to properly document how the modality is assisting the client to reach specific goals such as: upper extremity strengthening, balance retraining, range of motion.  For instance, in the "Doga" (Yoga with dogs) classes that I teach, I might document, "The client was able to maintain three inverted positions, for 15-20 seconds, using upper extremity weight bearing with minimal assistance to increase his/her overall balance.  I will document the use of an animal as a modality, but the focus of the treatment is on the individual.

 I bill 90% of my treatment through insurance in this manner.  The key is good documentation focusing on the individual and the outcomes versus the particular modality.

A good resource to learn about this type of therapy is Pet Partners.  They offer classes and information on how to become an instructor in this type of therapy.



melissa winkle

Melissa Winkle, OTR/L, FAOTA, CPDT-KA

President, Dogwood Therapy Services

Melissa Y. Winkle OTR/L, FAOTA, CPDT-KA is both an Occupational Therapist & a Certified Professional Dog Trainer. She is co-founder and President of Dogwood Therapy Services, a private practice in Albuquerque, NM; and of Animal Assisted Intervention International, a European-based organization for healthcare and human service providers who include animals in professional practice. She is adjunct faculty and clinical instructor at several universities and organizations, where she designs and delivers curriculum. Melissa is a practitioner, a researcher, an author and speaks internationally about disability, integrated & community-based program development, animal-assisted interventions, and service dogs. She is a proud UNM OT Program Alumni and a Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 

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