What depression screening tool would you recommend using in an acute setting post-stroke?
Before I did research in this area, I would have said the Beck Depression Fast Screen was the best. However, after reviewing the literature, I really like the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale. I like it because it helps to identify both depression and anxiety, and it can help to identify potential problems down the road. Obviously early detection and intervention are very important and hopefully may even stave off the more serious effects.
Clients post-stroke can suffer from a multitude of psychosocial sequalae. While you can identify problems or potential problems with screening tools such as above, it is important to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment and refer them to the appropriate personnel. It often takes "a village" to address the multifaceted factors caused by strokes. The unified goal is to allow them to achieve the highest quality of life possible.
Gina Taylor, MS, OTR/L, HPCS
Gina Taylor, MS, OTR/L, HPCS is a New Jersey licensed occupational therapist. She received her Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy from Philadelphia University and a Bachelor of Science in Equine Studies from Averett University. She is an Adjunct Professor at Raritan Valley Community College Occupational Therapy Assistant program, certified in Sensory Integration, DIR/Floortime, Infant Massage and is a board certified Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist (HPCS). Gina continues to expand her knowledge and the knowledge of other therapists about hippotherapy used as a treatment strategy through fieldwork student supervision, national conference presentations and her involvement with the American Hippotherapy Association, Inc. as faculty member, online education sub-committee chair, past Board Member and previous Education Committee Chairperson. Gina has a private practice providing occupational therapy services as well as workshops and consultation for those interested in equine assisted activities and therapy.
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