Can you review what environmental social cues are?
Social cues relate to how you personalize a person's environment. Think about your own bedroom. What is it within your bedroom, besides your bed and your chest of drawers that makes your bedroom personalized? Is it your jewelry? Are there particular pictures that you have hanging on your wall? Are there personal pictures of your family, friends, or vacations? They could be your prized possessions. For an older person, they may have their parents’ dresser. Familiar objects could be your personal hairbrush or toothbrush. The social cues are the items that are located within your environment. Your environment, if you are living in a memory cottage, could be just your room, or if you are in a home, it could be within each room. What is it that makes that room your room and not someone else's? In regards to social cues, if someone is having to move from their home that they have lived in for 40 or 50 years into someone else's home or a skilled nursing facility or memory cottage, you will want to personalize that environment with as many social cues as possible so that person feels safe, comfortable, and familiar with those objects within that new environment.
Gina Taylor, MS, OTR/L, HPCS
Gina Taylor, MS, OTR/L, HPCS is a New Jersey licensed occupational therapist. She received her Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy from Philadelphia University and a Bachelor of Science in Equine Studies from Averett University. She is an Adjunct Professor at Raritan Valley Community College Occupational Therapy Assistant program, certified in Sensory Integration, DIR/Floortime, Infant Massage and is a board certified Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist (HPCS). Gina continues to expand her knowledge and the knowledge of other therapists about hippotherapy used as a treatment strategy through fieldwork student supervision, national conference presentations and her involvement with the American Hippotherapy Association, Inc. as faculty member, online education sub-committee chair, past Board Member and previous Education Committee Chairperson. Gina has a private practice providing occupational therapy services as well as workshops and consultation for those interested in equine assisted activities and therapy.
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