Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Wheelchair Seating: The Mat Assessment
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. A mat assessment includes which of the following:
2. Why is evaluation in supine so important?
3. Where should the evaluator's hands be when assessing hip flexion in supine?
4. Sitting on the edge of the mat table, allows the evaluator to start "simulating" which of the following?
5. What key findings determine seat to back angle?
6. During the Supine portion of the Mat Assessment for Taylor, how was the seat to back angle primarily determined?
7. During the Sitting portion of the Mat Exam for Taylor, he had adequate range of motion to be placed in a symmetrical alignment. He had a strong tendency for ________ of his left side, leading to lateral scoliosis, left lateral neck flexion and pelvic obliquity (high on left).
8. A molded system was recommended for Taylor for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
9. Even though Riley can be placed in neutral lateral spine alignment, what finding indicates need for intervention?
10. In order to maintain an upright trunk, Riley required force and counter-force at which locations?