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Exam Preview

Innovations in Geriatric Care: Sleep and the Challenge of Aging (Day 5)

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1.  Older adults (65+) have a recommended sleep range of _______ each night.
  1. 10-12 hours
  2. 7-8 hours
  3. 5-6 hours
  4. 4-7 hours
2.  In normal sleep architecture, when does the deepest sleep occur?
  1. Spaced evenly throughout the sleep cycle
  2. Space unevenly throughout the sleep cycle
  3. In the front half of the sleep cycle
  4. In the back half of the sleep cycle
3.  Which of the following statements relates to Process S?
  1. Dependent upon hours of wakefulness vs. hours of sleep
  2. Called the Circadian Pacemaker
  3. Sleep/wake rhythm
  4. Emerges at 12 weeks old
4.  All of the following statements about Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO) are true EXCEPT:
  1. Secreted via pineal gland
  2. Approximately 2 hours before sleep onset
  3. Release is not affected by artificial light and bluescreen
  4. Identified as a 'serious health concern'
5.  How should you respond to a 'sleep terror'?
  1. Attempt to reason with them so they understand it isn't real
  2. Let them hang out with the night staff until they're alert and ready to go back to bed
  3. Walk them around the facility until they feel tired again
  4. 'Steer' them back to bed and sleep with minimal interaction
6.  Which of the following is an extrinsic factor in dyssomnia/insomnia?
  1. Normal aging process
  2. Restless Leg Syndrome
  3. Ambient noise
  4. Hip or back pain
7.  Which of the following is an intrinsic factor in dyssomnia/insomnia?
  1. Pain
  2. Ambient noise
  3. Room temperature
  4. Ambient light
8.  Which statement about Sleep Disordered Breathing is FALSE?
  1. 44% of adults over 65 have 20 events per hour
  2. It is usually treated with bed positioning and medications.
  3. Associated with low cognitive function in residents with dementia younger than 80
  4. High risk in individuals with dentures due to collapse of oral structures
9.  Providers tend to avoid sedative hypnotic medications for sleep problems in the elderly due to:
  1. Adverse cognitive side effects
  2. Daytime sedation
  3. Increased fall risk
  4. All of the above
10.  Which statement about CPAP is true?
  1. Cures any respiratory problems occurring during sleep.
  2. CPAP = Constant Proactive Aspiration Protection.
  3. Reduces the number of respiratory events occurring during sleep.
  4. Needs to be donned at least two hours before bedtime

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