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Exam Preview

Cranial Dysfunction in Children

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1.  Cranial nerve II is
  1. Olfactory
  2. Optic
  3. Oculomotor
  4. Trochlear
2.  Which of the following cranial nerves is mixed with both motor and sensory components?
  1. Vagus
  2. Oculomotor
  3. Vestibulocochlear
  4. Olfactory
3.  The vagus nerve originates in the
  1. Spinal cord
  2. Pons
  3. Brainstem
  4. Medulla
4.  A fetus can first hear around what age of gestation?
  1. 8 weeks
  2. 12 weeks
  3. 20 weeks
  4. A fetus cannot hear in the womb.
5.  Which nerve is purely motor and helps with eye movements?
  1. Vagus
  2. Oculomotor
  3. Trigeminal
  4. Vestibulocochlear
6.  The Vagus complex controls
  1. Social engagement
  2. Flight or flight responses
  3. Immobilization or freeze
  4. All of the above
7.  In cranial nerve dysfunction, you might see
  1. Lack of fluid movement
  2. Facial symmetry
  3. Postural symmetry
  4. Good suck and swallow
8.  Treatment for cranial dysfunction includes
  1. Subcortical processing
  2. Integrating reflexes
  3. Sensory integration
  4. All of the above
9.  A resource for management of reflex integration is
  1. Michelle Emanuel
  2. Kay Toomey
  3. Maxine Haller
  4. Kelly Mahler
10.  A recommended treatment for co-regulation is
  1. TR-eat Feeding Therapy
  2. Sensory Integration
  3. Interoception
  4. Floortime Therapy

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