Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Supporting Infants With Visual Impairment With Feeding
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
2. Children learn the following through vision:
3. One of the biggest things vision does is prepare the child for:
4. Children who have sight have developmental advantages. According to Bakke (2019), visual information serves as a __________ for a child to move.
5. The statements about tactile information are true EXCEPT:
6. A common developmental characteristic of children who are blind is:
7. Common extreme feeding challenges include all EXCEPT:
8. Mouthing is important for children who have visual impairments because:
9. Which technique is most helpful when infants who have visual impairments are first spoon-fed?
10. This is a technique that encourages the baby to accept familiar purees off of differently textured “spoons”.