Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Pediatric Case Study: Child with ADHD
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. Children with ADHD have difficulties with:
2. The phenotypes of ADHD include all EXCEPT:
3. All of the following are TRUE statements about ADHD and SMD EXCEPT:
4. According to Yurumez & Gunay Kilic (2013), the prevalence of sleep disorders affecting quality of life in children with ADHD is at
5. According to Miyake et al., 2000, the 3 basic dimensions of executive function and self-regulation are:
6. The definition of cognitive flexibility is
7. Dysfunction in the executive function skill of inhibition may manifest in:
8. In this case study, the following strategies were used to improve ADL performance EXCEPT:
9. To help Jeremy complete tasks, the following strategy was used:
10. Goal Attainment Scaling: