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Pediatric Case Study: Child with ADHD

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1.  Children with ADHD have difficulties with:
  1. Organizing tasks
  2. Sustaining mental effort
  3. Taking turns
  4. All of the above
2.  The phenotypes of ADHD include all EXCEPT:
  1. Hyperactive-Impulsive
  2. Low Registration
  3. Predominantly Inattentive
  4. Combined Type
3.  All of the following are TRUE statements about ADHD and SMD EXCEPT:
  1. There is a high rate of comorbidity between ADHD and SMD.
  2. Both are at risk for limited participation in many aspects of daily life.
  3. Both have the same attention scores.
  4. ADHD slightly worse attention scores than SMD.
4.  According to Yurumez & Gunay Kilic (2013), the prevalence of sleep disorders affecting quality of life in children with ADHD is at
  1. 84.8%
  2. 72.5%
  3. 60.2%
  4. 50%
5.  According to Miyake et al., 2000, the 3 basic dimensions of executive function and self-regulation are:
  1. Inhibitory control, mental concreteness, and long term memory
  2. Encoding, task organization, processing
  3. Inhibitory control, cognitive/mental flexibility, working memory
  4. Working memory, short term storage, long term memory
6.  The definition of cognitive flexibility is
  1. Ability to store information
  2. Ability to think flexibly and shift perspective
  3. Ability to control impulses
  4. Ability to hold arbitrary rule in mind
7.  Dysfunction in the executive function skill of inhibition may manifest in:
  1. Poor emotional control
  2. Disorganization
  3. Poor memory
  4. Impulsivity
8.  In this case study, the following strategies were used to improve ADL performance EXCEPT:
  1. Self-talk
  2. Backward chaining
  3. Positive rewards
  4. Visual supports
9.  To help Jeremy complete tasks, the following strategy was used:
  1. Slowing down
  2. External feedback
  3. Task breakdown
  4. All of the above
10.  Goal Attainment Scaling:
  1. Is a strategy to identify changes in academic and social behavior
  2. Uses numerical ratings for descriptive levels
  3. Assesses habits and routines
  4. All of the above

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