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Exam Preview

Elbow Stiffness: Therapeutic Management

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1.  What is the open pack position of the humeroulna joint?
  1. 70 flexion, 35 supination
  2. Full extension 10 supination
  3. Full flexion, neutral rotation
  4. 70 flexion, 10 supination
2.  Which joint mobilization technique should be employed if the elbow is stiff into pronation?
  1. Radial head: Dorsal glide/anterior to posterior
  2. Radial head: Ventral glide/posterior to anterior
  3. Humeroulna: Ventral glide
  4. Radioulna: Dorsal glide
3.  Which muscle should be assessed and mobilized if needed when the elbow is stiff into extension?
  1. The triceps
  2. The biceps
  3. The brachioradialis
  4. The pronator teres
4.  The optimum position to begin early elbow rehabilitation is:
  1. Supine
  2. Side-lying
  3. Sitting
  4. Standing
5.  Progression of the overhead mobilization program to active-assisted mobilization in sitting should start at:
  1. 2 weeks following injury
  2. 3 weeks following injury
  3. 6 weeks following injury
  4. 8 weeks following injury
6.  Which of the following is the most effective design for elbow mobilization orthoses?
  1. Serial static
  2. Static-progressive
  3. Dynamic
  4. Any of the above designs
7.  What 2 principles of orthotic fabrication must be present in a static-progressive elbow orthosis to ensure proper direction of forces?
  1. The 30-minute wearing time rule/anterior placement of force rule
  2. 3 point of fixation rule/2/3 length rule
  3. Force duration rule/2/3 length rule
  4. The joint compression/joint shearing rules
8.  While there is no clearly defined wearing schedule for an elbow orthosis, which of the following schedules is recommended by Müeller et al., 2012?
  1. 2 hours, 3 times per day
  2. 1 hour, 4 times per day
  3. 30 minutes, 3 times per day
  4. 30 minutes, 5 times per day
9.  Following LCL injury, what force is not adequately controlled?
  1. Varus forces in shoulder abduction
  2. Valgus forces in shoulder adduction
  3. Hyper flexion
  4. Extension
10.  A technique used to address co-contraction of the biceps tendon in the stiff elbow is:
  1. Aggressive PROM
  2. Static place and hold splinting
  3. NMES using reciprocal stimulation
  4. Plyometric training

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