Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Documentation and Billing for Aquatic Therapy
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. Your patient is 4 weeks post TKA, complete healing of the surgical incision and cleared for aquatic exercise. Which of the following statements would you use to justify the initiation of aquatic exercise to the insurance company for authorization?
2. Your patient is recovering from Guillain Barre and has generalized weakness with a gross muscle strength of the extremities 3/5. ________ would allow for assisted movement and gradual progressive strengthening while supporting the trunk in vertical, functional positions and gait
3. Which of the following statements demonstrate skilled therapy was provided?
4. "The patient balanced on one leg in calm, chest deep water without pain or LOB for 60 seconds therefore added closed eyes and light turbulence conditions to the exercise, progressing balance challenges." This a statement that demonstrates______
5. Which of the following are common errors in documentation leading to denial of payment for aquatic therapy services?
6. Which of the following are ways to demonstrate progress in your daily documentation for an aquatic therapy session?
7. Which of the following is true about the importance of documentation?
8. "Proof" is one of the 7 "Ps" in documentation. What does the note have to prove?
9. When it comes to Medicare and billing aquatic therapy which of the following statements are true?
10. You are the only therapist in the pool you begin treatment on patient A at 1pm performing aquatic manual therapy techniques for 15 min and individualized aquatic exercise for 30 additional minutes. Patient B arrives at 1:45 pm you then have both patients perform various water walking and balance exercises at levels specific to each individual with feedback for correct performance for 15 minutes. Patient A leaves and Patient B now receives 45 minutes of one on one individualized aquatic exercise to improve ROM and strength. Paitent B's session ends at 2:45pm. Which of the following is the correct coding for billing?