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Exam Preview

The Use of Therapeutic Yoga for the Prevention of Falls in Community Dwelling Older Adults

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1.  What is the definition of Yoga?
  1. To Yoke
  2. To perform Asana
  3. Powerful
  4. Brahman
2.  A non-dualistic point of view (in the yogic tradition) is defined as a belief that the individual:
  1. Soul and the universal soul are separate
  2. Soul and the universal soul are one in the same
  3. Is bound by the Yamas
  4. Universal soul can only be accessed during Samadhi
3.  __________ Yoga is the root foundation of most Western forms of Yoga.
  1. Kripalu
  2. Bikram
  3. Siviananda
  4. Hatha
4.  The word Hatha means:
  1. Soft or pliable
  2. Self-study
  3. Force or forceful
  4. Hot soup
5.  Yoga has been studied in conjunction with which of the following pathologies?
  1. Low back pain
  2. Anxiety and depression
  3. Gait
  4. All of the above
6.  Yoga may be a suitable intervention to reduce falls because falls:
  1. Are multi-factorial and yoga targets several impairments that are related to falls (such has decreased strength and ROM)
  2. Are multi-factorial and yoga targets the main cause of falling, decreased strength
  3. Occur in 1/3 of all community-dwelling elderly and at least 50% of all community-dwelling elderly engage in some form of alternative medicine
  4. Can easily be prevented with group-based exercise programs
7.  Current trends in community based exercises for fall prevention suggest that programs should:
  1. Target deficits in strength as these deficits create the highest risk of falling
  2. Concentrate on building rapport among group members as the social aspect is the key to reducing falls
  3. Contain a variety of activities, both standing and sitting, to target multiple impairments
  4. Occur at least once per day, 5 days per weeks, to be effective
8.  Weakness in the __________________ contributes to increased falls.
  1. Glutes, especially glute medius
  2. Quads, hamstrings, abdominals, and peroneals
  3. Hip rotators
  4. Quads, hamstrings, anterior tibialis, and gastrocnemius
9.  A Yoga pose that would also work unilateral stance would be:
  1. Vrikshasana (Tree pose)
  2. Utkatasana (Chair pose)
  3. Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
  4. Ado Muko Savasana (Downward facing dog)
10.  In yoga, balancing poses teach us:
  1. To strengthen our gastrocs
  2. Courage
  3. Humility, concentration, and improves core stability
  4. To hug the midline

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