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Exam Preview

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Considerations

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1.  Which of the following is a structure impinged in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)?
  1. Subscapularis
  2. Median nerve
  3. Vertebral disc
  4. Subclavian artery
2.  Name a structure that predisposes a person to have TOS?
  1. First rib
  2. Coracoid process
  3. Scalenes
  4. Pectoralis minor
3.  Which of the following is a special test for TOS?
  1. Finklestein’s
  2. Elbow flexion
  3. Roos
  4. Piano key
4.  What is a differential diagnosis for TOS?
  1. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  2. Biceps tendonitis
  3. Raynaud’s
  4. Tennis elbow
5.  What is a task that can cause an increase in symptoms with TOS?
  1. Throwing a baseball
  2. Carrying a heavy backpack
  3. Using a rowing machine
  4. Using a knife
6.  How can weight training increase the likelihood of TOS?
  1. Hypertrophy of the intraspinatus
  2. Hypertrophy of the scalenes
  3. Hypertrophy of the pectoralis major
  4. Hypertrophy of the deltoids
7.  Which of the following best describes a good position to sleep in to minimize symptoms of TOS?
  1. Prone with hands under the pillow
  2. Supine with hands over the head
  3. Supine with support under each arm
  4. Side lying on the hurting arm
8.  Why would work at a keyboard be stressful to the structures of the Thoracic Outlet?
  1. Wrist position
  2. Elbow position
  3. Shoulder angle
  4. Forward head posture
9.  Which of the following is an exercise that can relieve the symptoms of TOS?
  1. Wrist curls
  2. Repetitive gripping
  3. Overhead press
  4. Deep diaphragmatic breathing
10.  Which stretch would improve Subcoracoid compression?
  1. Deep breathing with head flexion away from the arm
  2. Corner stretch
  3. Shoulder shrugging
  4. Nerve glide with the arm in abduction and elbow extension

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