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Functional Outcome Assessment, Compliance for SNF Therapists. Focus on the MDS: Section GG

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1.  All of the following are TRUE of the Minimum Data Set EXCEPT:
  1. Core set of screening, clinical and functional status
  2. Health professional certifies that the information entered is complete to the best of their knowledge and accurately reflects the resident’s status
  3. Is over 1500 pages long
  4. Standard communication about resident problems and conditions
2.  Per the IMPACT act, Skilled Nursing Facilities must:
  1. Have student affiliations
  2. Establish a quality reporting program or QRP
  3. Must provide 24-hour care
  4. Must assess each resident with a MDS
3.  The three areas of the IMPACT act domain that impact therapy are all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. Change in cognition function
  2. Change in mobility score
  3. Change in psychosocial function
  4. Change in self-care score
4.  What are the case-mix components of PDPM?
  1. PT, OT, SLP, Nursing and NTA
  2. PPS, RUGS
  3. PT, OT, SLP
  4. IPA and NTA
5.  What is the MDS score for set-up assistance?
  1. 02
  2. 03
  3. 04
  4. 05
6.  All of the following are contributions of PT and OT to Section GG, EXCEPT:
  1. Admission Performance
  2. Discharge Performance
  3. Cognitive Performance
  4. Interim Performance
7.  Per the RAI Manual, a helper is defined as:
  1. Students
  2. Facility staff
  3. Hospice staff
  4. Hired help
8.  If the help of two or more helpers is required to complete the activity, you should code it as:
  1. Code 03
  2. Code 88
  3. Code 00
  4. Code 01
9.  When assessing upper body dressing, you may count all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. TLSO
  2. Knee brace
  3. Stump shrinker
  4. Arm Prosthesis
10.  Which is the correct GG Score for a patient who requires Moderate Assist for toilet transfers as their usual performance at the time of admission?
  1. Partial/Moderate Assistance 03
  2. Supervision/Touching 04
  3. Substantial /Maximal Assist 02
  4. Dependent 01

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