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Exam Preview

Minority is the New Majority: Strategies to Combat Racism, Address Micro-aggressions, and Promote Healing in the Therapeutic Setting

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1.  “A lifelong process of self-reflection and self-critique whereby the individual not only learns about another's culture, but one starts with an examination of her/his own beliefs and cultural identities.” This is the definition for …
  1. Cultural Pluralism
  2. Ethnocentrism
  3. Cultural Humility
  4. Cultural Competency
2.  A white patient has made excuses and/or canceled sessions every time you, an African American therapist, are scheduled as her treating therapist. However, she always makes it to her sessions when a white colleague is scheduled to work with her. What type of microaggression could be occurring in this situation?
  1. Micro-assault
  2. Ethnocentrism
  3. Micro-insult
  4. Micro-invalidation
3.  What are the versions of micro-aggressions stated in the literature?
  1. Alien in own Land, Color Blindness, Myth of Meritocracy, Cultural humility, Ascription of Intelligence, Second Class Citizen, Pathologizing cultural values/communication styles
  2. Alien in own Land, Color Blindness, Myth of Meritocracy, Belittlement, Ascription of Intelligence, Second Class Citizen, Pathologizing cultural values/communication styles
  3. Alien in own Land, Recognition, Myth of Meritocracy, Cultural humility, Ascription of Intelligence, Second Class Citizen, Pathologizing cultural values/communication styles
  4. Alien in own Land, Color Blindness, Myth of Meritocracy, Denial of Individual Racism, Ascription of Intelligence, Second Class Citizen, Pathologizing cultural values/communication styles
4.  A white client states that she does not want to work with an Asian American therapist because “she will not understand my problem.” This is a version of which form of micro-aggression?
  1. Alien in Own Land
  2. Color Blindness
  3. Myth of Meritocracy
  4. Denial of Individual Racism
5.  A school counselor reacts with surprise when an Asian American student has trouble on the math portion of a standardized test. Which one of the 9 forms of micro aggression could this be?
  1. Second Class Citizen
  2. Ascription of Intelligence
  3. Alien in Own Land
  4. Environmental Micro-aggressions
6.  Which of the following is a valid difference between cultural competence and cultural humility?
  1. Cultural competence creates expectation for differentiation between and within cultures while cultural humility focuses on differences between cultures.
  2. Cultural competence expects providers to be adept and knowledgeable while cultural humility recognizes gaps in knowledge without shame, & provides an opportunity for deeper engagement with patients.
  3. Cultural competence recognizes power dynamics in health care—their effects on patients & providers while Cultural humility is generally silent on issues of power, within and outside of health care
  4. None of the above
7.  What is a barrier to culturally appropriate care?
  1. Faculty members feel unprepared to teach this topic.
  2. Lack of time
  3. Judgmental attitudes
  4. All of the above
8.  What is a barrier to culturally appropriate telehealth care in rural areas?
  1. Differing cultural attitudes to technology & socio-economics
  2. Lack of privacy is a concern
  3. Lack of time
  4. A and B, but not C
9.  Which is a strategy to combat racial micro-aggressions?
  1. Be consistent and appropriate in describing the race of patients in clinical writing and reporting
  2. Let others deal with the racial issues
  3. Change the subject when racial issues appear
  4. Believe that you are color blindness is a non-issue for you
10.  According to the literature, which of the following is TRUE about mindfulness as a coping strategy for racial micro-aggressions?
  1. Mindfulness can only be achieved in full meditation format without distractions present.
  2. Mindfulness is a religious practice to help certain religious groups.
  3. As a result of mindfulness practice and the development of self-worth, mindfulness can help us achieve goals through a strengths-based form of empowerment through self-acceptance and the acceptance of others.
  4. Mindfulness practices only help certain communities and do NOT benefit at-risk populations such as ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and people living in poverty.

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