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Exam Preview

Pediatric Primer: Development and OT Considerations for School-Aged Children from Kindergarten to Transitioning to Adulthood

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1.  According to Erikson (1963), achievement and socialization is the primary occupation of ___________. (You will need to refer to the handout and Erikson's model to complete this question.)
  1. Toddlers
  2. Early-Mid Childhood
  3. Adolescence
  4. Infants
2.  Handwriting difficulties may be present in early childhood with the following diagnosis:
  1. Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
  2. Lack of Coordination
  3. Disorder of Motor Function
  4. All of the above
3.  In mid to late-childhood, instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) become more complex. According to AOTA (2017), children may engage in all the following at these ages EXCEPT:
  1. Caring of pets
  2. Simple meal prep
  3. Driving
  4. Safety and emergency procedures
4.  As an 8-year-old for written expression, a child should be able to write how many words per minute?
  1. 3-5 WPM
  2. 10-15 WPM
  3. 20-30 WPM
  4. 30+ WPM
5.  What is self-determination in preadolescence?
  1. Theory that posits that people are motivated to grow and change.
  2. Theory that children want to get their own way.
  3. It is based on 4 innate and universal psychological needs.
  4. It is only determined by the need for autonomy and independence.
6.  OT's role with adolescents and their caregivers is to:
  1. Assess their motor limitations
  2. Train them only in IADL skills
  3. Train them only in ADL skills
  4. Partner with them to improve their occupational performance and competence
7.  What is the primary occupation according to Erikson in the pre-adolescence and adolescence stages? (You will need to refer to the handout and Erikson's model to complete this question.)
  1. Play
  2. Belonging
  3. Development
  4. Achievement
8.  OT can help adolescents build an identity by doing all EXCEPT:
  1. Providing environments that facilitate exploration
  2. Limiting exploration and only using structured environments
  3. Enabling performance in tasks that are essential to identities
  4. Allowing clients to validate identities they have worked hard to achieve
9.  Postsecondary transitions refers to:
  1. A change in developmental phase
  2. School to work/volunteer position or college
  3. Living with caregivers to living independently
  4. All of the above
10.  Unexpected transitions include ALL EXCEPT
  1. Graduation from school
  2. Traumatic brain injuries
  3. Motor vehicle accidents
  4. Spinal cord injuries

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