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Exam Preview

Myofascial Interventions For The OT: Therapeutic Taping And Cupping

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1.  What is a mechanical effect of Kinesio Tape (KT)?
  1. Mechanical deformation of the tissues
  2. Increased interstitial space
  3. Decreased pain
  4. All of the above
2.  What is the neurophysiological theory of KT?
  1. Tissue relaxation and pain reduction via CNS afferent input
  2. Increased tissue stiffness via KT
  3. Increased pain caused by the golgi tendon reflex
  4. No use of mechanical decompression
3.  According to the survey, what was the most common reason therapists used KT?
  1. Pain modulation
  2. Neurosensory feedback
  3. Neuromuscular reeducation
  4. Post-injury treatment
4.  What did the research for KT use show?
  1. Some evidence for local circulation and placebo effects
  2. Some evidence for pain modulation
  3. Weak evidence for neurosensory effects
  4. All of the above
5.  What is a contraindication to using cupping?
  1. Diabetes
  2. Skin rash/open wounds
  3. Meds affecting sensation
  4. Over bones

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