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Exam Preview

Working With Autistic Children And Their Families, Part 1

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1.  Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the neurodiversity culture?
  1. Neurodiversity is a concept that regards individuals with differences in brain function and behavioral traits as part of normal variation in the human population.
  2. The neurodiversity movement seeks to uncover the strengths of neurodiverse individuals.
  3. The neurodiversity movement seeks to utilize the talents of neurodiverse individuals to increase innovation and productivity within society.
  4. All of the above
2.  According to CDC stats, the prevalence of ASD in children in 2018 was:
  1. 1 in 44
  2. 1 in 54
  3. 1 in 59
  4. 1 in 68
3.  What is an important consideration before starting therapy?
  1. Where is the family in the acceptance process?
  2. Age of and time since diagnosis
  3. Developmental milestone journey
  4. All of the above
4.  Which of the following is NOT a challenge when working with autistic children?
  1. Difficulty following directions
  2. Repetitive behaviors
  3. Increased attention
  4. Poor regulation
5.  All of the following are current frameworks for intervention for the ASD population EXCEPT:
  1. PECS
  2. Joint Attention Training
  3. Reciprocal Imitation Training
  4. Re-parenting

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