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Exam Preview

Yoga Tools For Schools (K-5): Mindful Movement For Pediatric And School-Based Therapists

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  What is a common classroom stressor for students?
  1. Peer/social stress/bullying
  2. Lack of focus/poor behavior
  3. Problems at home/family
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is NOT controlled by the prefrontal cortex?
  1. Concentration
  2. Alarm system and fight-or flight
  3. Emotions/impulses
  4. Short term memory
3.  Which of the following is a TRUE statement about stress responses and sensory behavior?
  1. Children who are sensory avoiders are hyper-aroused.
  2. We often see 2 types of sensory/stress responses (or a combination of both) in dysregulated students.
  3. Sensory seekers are like bumps on a log.
  4. “Acting out” behavior signals the nervous system is self-regulated.
4.  Which characteristic is seen in sensory seekers?
  1. Impulsivity
  2. Highly emotional
  3. Can be aggessive/combative
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following is NOT a calm connector?
  1. Candle Breath
  2. Brain Buttons
  3. Braindrops
  4. Body Hug

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