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Exam Preview

Enhancing Success in Seating & Wheeled Mobility for Individuals With Cortical Visual Impairment

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1.  What percent of the brain is used in visual processing?
  1. 10-15%
  2. 20-30%
  3. 35-45%
  4. Over 50%
2.  Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is ________ of visual impairment in children in developed countries.
  1. never the cause
  2. the leading cause
  3. the only cause
  4. rarely the cause
3.  It is common for individuals with CVI to _________.
  1. Make direct eye contact.
  2. Not have a distinct color preference.
  3. Prefer to look at things in a certain part of their vision, such as peripherally.
  4. Extremely fast responses to visual stimuli.
4.  Which of the following is an accurate statement?
  1. Vision is one of the primary sensory systems involved in postural control.
  2. A client’s vision is not relevant to discuss during a seating and wheelchair evaluation.
  3. An individual with CVI will never be able to drive a power wheelchair.
  4. Vision has no impact on seating and positioning.
5.  Which of the following modifications may improve outcomes during wheelchair evaluations or training for a client with CVI?
  1. Extra time for visual processing
  2. Limiting auditory stimulation
  3. Decreasing the visual and physical clutter
  4. All of the above

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