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Exam Preview

Occupational Therapy Management Of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome And Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Part 2

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1.  How many sub-types of Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) are currently known?
  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 10
2.  Which (or all) of the following is (are) true regarding the clinical presentation of Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders?
  1. Common symptoms are joint hypermobility, joint subluxations/dislocations, early joint degeneration, poor proprioception, and joint pain.
  2. Other issues that may present in Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders are GI problems, Autonomic dysfunction, fatigue, headaches, mental health issues and dizziness.
  3. Pain is both nociceptive and neuropathic.
  4. All of the above
3.  What is a popular screening test also used for suspected Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders?
  1. Sit and Reach Test
  2. Beighton Scoring System
  3. Berg Balance Test
  4. Lower Extremity Functional Test
4.  What component/s of biometric tracking was/were discussed in this course to monitor patients with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders during activity?
  1. Blood pressure after exercise only
  2. Heart Rate Variability (HRV), resting heart rate (RHR), and blood pressure (pre and post exercise)
  3. Pulse ox and pain scale. Blood pressure monitoring and resting heart rate is not necessary
  4. Rating of perceived exertion only. Cardiac measures of resting heart rate, heart rate, and blood pressure are never necessary for active individuals.
5.  Which of the below should be avoided with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders(HDS)/hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome(hEDS)?
  1. Joint hyperextension and end-range joint positions during exercise and stretching
  2. Use of biometric tracking only
  3. Weekly cardiorespiratory and resistance training
  4. Myofascial compression devices and low load exercises

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