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Exam Preview

Neurodiversity: Navigating Scenarios Using A Neurodiversity-Affirming Approach

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1.  Neurodivergent is defined as:
  1. A social justice movement that seeks civil rights, equality, respect, and full societal inclusion for the neurodivergent.
  2. Having a brain that functions in ways that diverge significantly from the dominant societal standards of “normal.”
  3. Diversity of human minds, the infinite variation in neurocognitive functioning within our species
  4. Having a brain that functions in ways that are similar to the dominant societal standards of “normal.”
2.  Ableism is defined as:
  1. Subscribing to the idea that the neuromajority are superior to those who are neurodivergent; therefore, those who are neurodivergent should participate in therapy to be more like the neuromajority
  2. Subscribing to the idea that those who are neurodivergent are superior to those who are considered the neuromajority; therefore, those who are the neuromajority should participate in therapy to be more like the neurodivergent
  3. Subscribing to the idea that the neuromajority needs assistance to be successful in the world
  4. Subscribing to the idea that those who are able are more successful than those who are not
3.  An example of a Neurodivergent Affirming goal is:
  1. John will successfully make eye contact with his communication partner in 85% of his interactions
  2. John will take 2 – 3 on topic turns during a brief interaction 80% of the time.
  3. John will be presented a scenario using video clips and first, he will identify a communication challenge/breakdown after which, he’ll offer a solution which feels safe for both communication partners.
  4. John will face his body toward his communication partner during all interactions
4.  The bottom-up foundation for supporting those who are ND, requires starting from:
  1. Problem solving
  2. Rules of social thinking
  3. Appropriate body language
  4. Regulation and the appropriate amount of energy for the activity
5.  Your primary goal in supporting ND clients is:
  1. To provide supports to help the ND person rely on you
  2. To increase communication, self determination and self advocacy
  3. To improve social skills in order to blend in with everyone
  4. To make them appear non autistic

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