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Exam Preview

Supporting Respiratory Equipment on Wheelchair Bases

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1.  Which of the following can be supported on a mobility base?
  1. Oxygen tank
  2. Ventilator
  3. Suction machine
  4. All of the above
2.  Therapists can minimize oxygen tubing issues for the client in a seating system by:
  1. Securing oxygen tubing to prevent reduction or complete loss of oxygen
  2. Placing oxygen tubing over the ears and behind the head to limit pulling
  3. Disconnecting oxygen tubing for prolonged periods of time
  4. Both A and B
3.  What ventilator mount orientations are available on mobility bases for a manual wheelchair?
  1. Vertical
  2. Horizontal
  3. Gimbal
  4. All of the above
4.  Which of the following mobility bases has the most stability and is less likely to tip over when respiratory equipment is mounted?
  1. Adaptive Stroller
  2. Manual Wheelchair
  3. Tilt in space manual wheelchair
  4. Power wheelchair
5.  Which of the following is a risk during the transfer of a client using a ventilator?
  1. Loss of connection with ventilator
  2. Loss of range of motion
  3. Pressure injury
  4. Impaired swallow

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