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20 Novel Aquatic Therapy Ideas for the Pediatric Therapist: Part 1

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1.  The instructor stated that we can do aquatic ___________ by finding and pushing past the edges of competency in the safety of the pool.
  1. Rebounds
  2. Edgecraft
  3. Mirror Imagery
  4. Devotions
2.  The speaker described the following drill: "Assign a specific activity or movement to each of the walls in the pool area. When facing that direction, perform that activity, such as marching, cross-country skiing, or jumping. As soon as the patient is oriented to a different wall, the movement changes." What is this called?
  1. Pyramids
  2. Circumferentials
  3. 4-Walls Drill
  4. Chopped Challenge
3.  The speaker described taking a standardized balance test into the water to use as a memory tool to challenge all elements of balance. What was this test?
  1. Berg Balance Assessment
  2. Codman's
  3. Tinetti Gait and Balance
  4. Timed Up and Go
4.  The speaker described stations used in and around the pool. What was the station that she described as a "gold mine" of untapped ideas for pediatrics?
  1. Ramp station
  2. Underwater station
  3. Pool deck station
  4. Therapist as a platform station
5.  The speaker suggested using an online resource to verify the value of scientific research on aquatic therapy. What was the name of the database?
  1. Google scholar
  2. Pubmed
  3. PTNow
  4. PEDro

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