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Exam Preview

The Unique "Nature" Of Occupational Therapy

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1.  In the AOTA OTPF 4th edition, what factor/s is most applicable to designing a garden?
  1. Personal factors
  2. Environmental
  3. Client factors
  4. None of the above
2.  A practitioner has spent the entire day sitting in front of the computer scoring evaluations in preparation for annual IEP reports, and they feel tired and irritable. What nature and health theory supports their need to go outside and readjust their mindset?
  1. Stress Reduction
  2. Attention Restoration
  3. Person Environment Occupation Performance
  4. Prospect and Refuge
3.  Which of the following is an example of applying prospect and refuge theory to a garden?
  1. Raised flower beds planted with succulents
  2. Using collected rainwater to water plants
  3. Placing a bench surrounded on 3 sides with high bushes in a corner of the garden
  4. A circular walking track
4.  As part of an interdisciplinary team of designers, planners, caregivers, and therapists, Mollie is helping to design a universally designed playground at her town’s community center. The principle “tolerance for error” is best described by:
  1. No stairs to get to the top of the climbing structure
  2. Braille signage throughout the playground
  3. A change in paving color between where children can safely pass through the playground and the swings
  4. Restroom with child and adult changing tables
5.  Ines is interested in installing a garden and implementing nature-based interventions in her mental health clinic and is actively seeking grant funding. Which of the following evidence supporting the social-emotional health benefits of connecting with nature are important for her to highlight in her grant application?
  1. Improved mood, life fulfillment, greater happiness, boosted wellbeing, increased self-esteem, and confidence
  2. Reduced depression and anxiety
  3. Increased social interaction and opportunities to decompress
  4. All of the above

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