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Exam Preview

Pediatric Power Wheelchair Assessment And Training

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  What is TRUE about augmented mobility experiences?
  1. Limits later mobility
  2. Provides a means of exploration and learning to impact overall development
  3. Delays other forms of mobility
  4. Decreases cognition
2.  Who can benefit from power mobility?
  1. Children who will never walk
  2. Children with inefficient mobility or lose ability to walk or walk efficiently
  3. Children who need mobility assistance in early childhood
  4. All of the above
3.  Which is a CON of a rear wheel drive type of power wheelchair?
  1. Slow speed
  2. Poor outdoor use
  3. Large turning radius
  4. Poor suspension
4.  What drive wheel configuration is more efficient for new drivers?
  1. Front wheel drive
  2. Rear wheel drive
  3. Mid or center wheel drive
  4. None of the above should be used with new drivers
5.  When addressing future needs, the clinician must make accommodations for what?
  1. Change with progressive disorders
  2. Growth
  3. Mobility needs changing with age
  4. All of the above

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