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Exam Preview

What You Need To Know When An Individual Hoards

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1.  A consequence of hoarding can include ALL, but which of the following?
  1. Fire hazards
  2. Improved relationships with family and others
  3. Increased risk of falls
  4. Health risks
2.  What is a type of hoarding?
  1. Digital
  2. Animal
  3. Garbage/recycling
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding hoarding and collecting?
  1. Hoarders often do not begin as collectors.
  2. Collecting can be used as a coping method.
  3. Hoarders often experience shame or guilt.
  4. Collections are generally cluttered and cause distress.
4.  Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor for hoarding?
  1. Gender
  2. Personality
  3. Family history
  4. Stressful life event
5.  Strategies to address hoarding may include which of the following?
  1. Take it slow. Set small goals or consider setting a timer and try to tidy one area.
  2. Stay motivated by tracking progress and celebrating wins.
  3. Avoid the power struggle by keeping the individual involved in the process.
  4. All of the above

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