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Exam Preview

Self-Monitoring To Empower Children's Motivation And Success

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1.  Self-monitoring is a way for children to…
  1. Understand themselves
  2. Communicate that understanding to those around them
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above
2.  Which of the following is part of self-monitoring?
  1. A way of assessing child’s performance to see how well they are progressing that is led by the institution.
  2. It is initiated and overseen by practitioner at school.
  3. A form of progress monitoring that is led by the child.
  4. Ownership of process rests with practitioner and school.
3.  What outcomes are seen when a child and a practitioner work together and the child leads?
  1. Increased self awareness and self-determination
  2. Decreased self awareness and self-determination
  3. Increased dependence and support required
  4. None of the above
4.  What is a benefit of self-monitoring?
  1. Improvements in overall behavior
  2. Improvements in on task behavior
  3. Improvements in social interactions
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following is a modification that can be used for self-monitoring?
  1. Child points to choice.
  2. Child uses bingo marker or rubber stamp to choose.
  3. Child draws picture of choice.
  4. All of the above

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