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Strategies For Correcting Postural Dysfunction: Tech Neck

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1.  What is the main postural deviation related to tech neck?
  1. Forward head posture (FHP)
  2. Rounded low back posture
  3. Low back hyperextension
  4. Pelvic misalignment
2.  What is another postural dysfunction related to tech neck?
  1. Kendall Kyphosis-Lordosis Posture
  2. Janda Lower Crossed Syndrome
  3. Janda Upper Crossed Syndrome
  4. None of the above
3.  As noted in the research, which two populations are commonly affected with neck and back pain due to poor posture?
  1. Professional athletes and recreational athletes
  2. Students and individuals who work at home
  3. Construction workers and ride-share drivers
  4. A & C
4.  Which device is commonly linked to forward head posture and tech neck among teens and adolescents?
  1. Smartphones
  2. Computers
  3. Televisions
  4. None of the above
5.  What type of exercise is highly recommended by professionals and researchers to help treat tech neck?
  1. Long slow distance cardiovascular
  2. Lower body exercises
  3. Core exercises
  4. Neck stabilization exercises

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