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Exam Preview

Introduction To Breastfeeding And The Role Of The Occupational Therapy Practitioner

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1.  Which is NOT a phase of mammary gland development?
  1. Mammogenesis
  2. Evolution
  3. Lactogenesis
  4. Galactopoiesis
2.  Which stage typically occurs on day 9 postpartum and is characterized by the maintenance of established secretions?
  1. Galactopoiesis
  2. Lactogenesis
  3. Mammogenesis
  4. None of the above
3.  What is OT's role in lactation?
  1. Prenatal counseling and education
  2. Encourage proper nutrition and fluid intake
  3. Discuss importance of sleep and relaxation
  4. All of the above
4.  What is the rate of the suck/swallow pattern when the milk is flowing?
  1. 1 per second
  2. 2 per second
  3. 3 per second
  4. 4 per second
5.  A mechanism of an infant suck is...
  1. Lower jaw drops pulling the anterior tongue downward.
  2. Wave like motion from front to back of tongue enlarges the mouth space and lowers the pressure in the mouth.
  3. Nipple lengthens and widens. Pressure differential between mouth and breast cause milk to flow.
  4. All of the above

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