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Exam Preview

Proactive Well-Being Strategies For Healthcare Professionals

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1.  What can contribute to burnout?
  1. High caseloads
  2. Lack of control over policies
  3. Lack of support
  4. All of the above
2.  Which is NOT a dimension of burnout?
  1. Professional inefficacy
  2. Feeling in control
  3. Sustained feelings of exhaustion
  4. Depersonalization
3.  What is NOT a risk of burnout?
  1. Feeling physical and mentally tired
  2. Poor sleep hygiene
  3. Participating in enjoyable activities
  4. Poor eating habits
4.  What is a self-care/practice behavior?
  1. Learning to say "no"
  2. Recognizing personal patterns for recharging
  3. Prioritizing the things in life that are important
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following actions can help promote well-being and prevent burnout?
  1. Taking on new responsibilities to stay busy
  2. Using positive coping strategies like solution-focused and emotion-focused approaches
  3. Ignoring stress and focusing on others' needs first
  4. Avoiding professional self-care services

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