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Exam Preview

ADL Adaptations For The Neurologic Upper Extremity

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  What percentage of patients with Parkinson's disease experience a tremor at some point during their disease course?
  1. Less than 30%
  2. 30-50%
  3. 50-70%
  4. 70-90%
2.  Which is a TRUE statement about intention tremors?
  1. They are generally synonymous with a cerebellar tremor.
  2. They are rhythmic, oscillatory, and high amplitude tremors during a directed and purposeful motor movement, worsening before reaching the target​.
  3. They are accompanied by dysmetria.
  4. All of the above
3.  In the "Red Plate Study," patients with advanced Alzheimer's disease ate how much more when using a red plate versus a white one?
  1. 25%
  2. 15%
  3. 10%
  4. 5%
4.  For increased bathroom access, swing away door hinges increase the door width by how many inches?
  1. Less than 1 inch
  2. 1-2 inches
  3. 2-3 inches
  4. 3-4 inches
5.  What is a way to address night-time incontinence in the presence of swelling?
  1. Elevate legs for 20-30 minutes
  2. Void before getting in bed
  3. Using a bedside commode
  4. All of the above

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