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Exam Preview

Rotator Cuff Lesions: Conservative & Post-Operative Management

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1.  Which of the following are the functions of the rotator cuff?
  1. Create force couple with deltoid to prevent superior migration of head of humerus
  2. Compress head of humerus into glenoid
  3. Create dynamic ligament tension with capsuloligamentous structures
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following mechanisms contribute to subacromial impingement?
  1. Rotator cuff weakness
  2. Glenohumeral joint instability
  3. Scapular dyskinesia
  4. All of the above
3.  A 65 y/o woman presents with C/O left anterior shoulder pain. Upon physical exam, you find limited shoulder ROM in all directions, with elevation being the most limited. Joint play assessment of bilateral shoulders reveals 2/6 posterior and inferior with 3/6 anterior. With this information, what is the most likely diagnostic hypothesis?
  1. Primary Impingement
  2. Adhesive Capsulitis
  3. Secondary Impingement
  4. SLAP lesion
4.  Your patient is a 25-year-old female who presents to the clinic with complaints of left shoulder pain. During your evaluation, you determined GH joint play to be 4/6 in all directions, and there is excessive scapular movement on the left with active elevation. Based on this information, what type of impingement is this patient presenting?
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Internal
  4. External
5.  You are working with a 51-year-old male patient who suffered a large rotator cuff tear and underwent arthroscopic repair four weeks ago. All of the following would be appropriate interventions at this stage EXCEPT:
  1. Scapular strengthening
  2. PROM at shoulder
  3. Active ER in side lying
  4. Soft tissue mobilization to upper trapezius

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