OccupationalTherapy.com Phone: 866-782-9924

Earn PDUs for NBCOT®

  • 600+ evidence-based courses
  • Multiple convenient formats
  • NBCOT® Professional Development Provider
  • AOTA Approved Provider CE
  • Course completion certificates provided
unlimited pdu access $129/year
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With OccupationalTherapy.com, you can earn the PDUs you need for NBCOT® certification renewal anytime, anywhere!

You’ll need to earn at least 36 PDUs during your three-year renewal cycle. For courses on OccupationalTherapy.com, one hour or 0.1 CEUs is equivalent to 1.25 PDUs.*

NBCOT National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy

Your CE, simplified

The online OT courses you want, the PDUs you need—tailored for you!

Illustration of a piggy bank.


Take as many CE courses as you like, as often as you want, for one low price. And check the library often; new courses are added weekly!

Illustration of an application window with a variety of interactive options, such as a play button, a speaker and text.


Learn and earn PDUs online—anytime, anywhere, and on any device, including your phone or tablet.

Illustration of a check mark indicating trust.


You’ll find high-quality, engaging content from trusted experts. Presenters highlight the latest research and cover valuable topics.

Illustration of a simple paper airplane flying through the sky.


We track your CE and provide course completion certificates. And CE Broker reporting is available for members in some states.**

BOC approved CE provider for the athletic trainer emblem
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I love the convenience of the website to obtain my CEU for my license and my NBCOT certification. … The classes I have taken have been valuable assets to my profession. They are very interesting and informative.”

*One hour (0.1 CEUs) earned on our site is equivalent to 1.25 PDUs because OccupationalTherapy.com is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing education with CE approved by AOTA, and our courses include an assessment component.

**NBCOT encourages the use of CE Broker to record and track your PDUs for certification and state licensure renewal. OccupationalTherapy.com is unable to report to CE Broker for NBCOT certification at this time. To add OccupationalTherapy.com courses (provider number 50-14558) to your NBCOT transcript in CE Broker, you’ll need to self-report to CE Broker.

Please note that this includes members who are licensed in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Even though we offer CE Broker reporting for those state licenses, you’ll need to self-report your PDUs for NBCOT certification.

For information about CE Broker reporting for NBCOT, or to link an existing CE Broker account to NBCOT, please contact NBCOT or CE Broker.

NBCOT is a registered trademark of The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc.

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