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CEU Courses for OTs

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Social Emotional Learning: An Occupation-Centered Approach To Self-Regulation
Presented by Nicole Quint, PhD, Dr.OT, OTR/L
Course: #6201Level: Intermediate2 Hours
The role of social-emotional learning as a means of facilitating the development of self-regulation in children will be discussed in this course. Using an occupation-centered, top-down approach, participants will learn how to incorporate evidence-based social-emotional learning approaches to improve occupational performance in school-aged occupations.

Men In Occupational Therapy Podcast
Presented by André Johnson, COTA/L, OTS, Dennis Cleary, MS, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Course: #6228Level: Introductory1 Hour
The Occupational Therapy profession is predominantly female – with an actual decrease in the number of male occupational therapy professionals since the last salary survey. Does the profession recognize this as a problem? If so, what can be done to increase the number of males in occupational therapy? This is part of the Continued Learning Podcast series.

Proprioceptive Rehab: 30 Practical Ideas And Interventions For The Neuro Patient
Presented by Andrea Salzman, MS, PT
Course: #9578Level: Introductory2 Hours
Rehabilitation can be quite daunting because of complications and impairments which routinely follow a neurological event or disease. Many of the more frustrating problems are not due to a neurological event itself, but rather the proprioceptive loss which comes with a disease progression or the “after-effects” of the trauma. In this webinar, we examine over 30 proprioceptive ideas and interventions available to PT and OT providers who wish to integrate proprioceptive drills into neurological rehabilitation.

Aging Caregivers: What To Know And How To Best Provide Support
Presented by Christina Marsack-Topolewski, PhD, LMSW
Course: #6209Level: Introductory1 Hour
Occupational therapy practitioners provide a tremendous amount of support to patients who receive support from an aging family caregiver. Aging family caregivers often face unique circumstances and are at risk for burnout and exhaustion. This one-hour webinar will provide an overview of the state of caregiving for aging family caregivers and provide implications for occupational therapists who may intersect with this population of caregivers in their own work.

Documentation In School-Based Occupational Therapy
Presented by Krupa Kuruvilla, MA, OTR/L
Course: #6225Level: Intermediate1 Hour
The basics of documentation in schools, stressing the purpose, types, content of documentation, and important dos and don'ts will be covered. It will teach you the frameworks for goal writing and how to write effective, measurable, and educationally relevant goals. There are also useful tips for pediatric OT assessments and documenting sensory integration interventions.

Seated Qigong For Geriatric Populations
Presented by Amy Starkey, COTA/L, E-RYT200, YACEP, CTP-E, Qi1
Course: #6218Level: Introductory1 Hour
Qigong and its use for the geriatric population will be explored in this course, including its history and benefits, seated Qigong exercises, breaths, and acupressure points.

Healthy Transitions: An Opportunity For OT Intervention
Presented by Ingrid Provident, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Course: #6202Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Transitions in life are a natural part of being human; however, navigating change isn’t always easy. Facing the unknown can sometimes cause feelings of stress, anxiety, fear, worry, or depression. Occupational therapists are uniquely qualified to assist people in navigating transitions at various stages of life.

Bilateral Tasks: One Hand Versus Externally-Powered Prosthesis
Presented by Debra Latour, OT, PP-OTD, MEd, OTR
Course: #6104Level: Advanced1 Hour
Completing common bilateral tasks using one hand and an externally-powered prosthesis will be reviewed in part 3 of this upper extremity series.

Bilateral Tasks: One Hand Versus Static Prosthesis
Presented by Debra Latour, OT, PP-OTD, MEd, OTR
Course: #6105Level: Advanced1 Hour
Completing common bilateral tasks using one hand and a static prosthesis will be reviewed in part 4 of this upper extremity series.

Teenage Interventions And Helping Teens Build Bridges, Part 2
Presented by Tere Bowen-Irish, OTR/L
Course: #6165Level: Intermediate2 Hours
Starting from a perspective of treatment initiatives to engage and connect with those on our caseloads, we will delve into a variety of initiatives. How can we facilitate specialization, self-regulation, executive function and social connectedness? These kids need our help and often not just from a consultative model. Come and be creative, to ignite teenage treatment.

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