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CEU Courses for OTs

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Developing Clinical Competency Through Simulation Based Education
Presented by Wendy Brzozowski, BS, COTA/L, Clint Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP, CHSE, Maura Lavelle, MS, OTR/L
Course: #4625Level: Introductory1 Hour
This course provides an overview of Simucase and examines the benefits of incorporating computer-based simulations into OT and OTA programs. Methodologies for pre-briefing, providing feedback, and debriefing students will be discussed. Strategies for integrating simulations into a curriculum and how to utilize them in Level 1 Fieldwork Experiences to meet specific 2020 ACOTE Standards will be explained. Initial pilot study results will be discussed.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Outdoor Play
Presented by Angela Hanscom, MOT, OTR/L
Course: #4756Level: Introductory1 Hour
This presentation will unveil the therapeutic benefits of outdoor play. Participants will learn about the occupation of outdoor play, how it is at risk, its incredible benefits, and ways to restore this childhood right both in the school and home settings.

The Value of Occupational Therapy in the Acute Care Management of Patients with COVID-19
Presented by Lyndsay Laxton, OTR/L, Julia Smith, MS, OTR/L
Course: #4736Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Occupational therapy practitioners are uniquely positioned to meet the dynamic physical, cognitive, and psychological needs of patients diagnosed with COVID-19, due to our holistic training and client-centered approach. The medical complexity of this population is compounded by the resource demands currently placed on the healthcare system. This course will outline evidence-based interventions and outcome measures for occupational therapists to implement in the dynamic acute care setting of this population.

Motor Interventions in Early Intervention: Part 2
Presented by Jessica McMurdie, OTR/L
Course: #4649Level: Introductory1 Hour
If you're new to working in early intervention or an experienced therapist looking for a refresher course, you'll learn how primitive reflex patterns impact gross motor development, understand the sequence of post walking milestones, and be inspired with gross motor activity ideas to try with toddlers and young preschoolers.

Telehealth OT: Using Pediatric Case Studies to Inform Practice
Presented by Aditi Mehra, DHSc, OTR/L
Course: #4735Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Telehealth is becoming an increasingly used service delivery model in pediatric OT due to a myriad of reasons however; it does present some unique challenges when servicing the pediatric population. This course is a presentation of case studies offering clinicians an opportunity to strategize intervention and problem solve real clinical scenarios applicable to general practice.

Continued Conversations, The CE Podcast: An Introduction to Feeding Responsively
Presented by Karen Dilfer, MS, OTR/L, Stephanie Cohen, MA, CCC-SLP, CLC
Course: #4702Level: Introductory1 Hour
This podcast is a conversation introducing the framework of responsive feeding in the evaluation and treatment of young children with pediatric feeding disorders. Basic tenets of feeding responsively, how responsive parenting and feeding intersect, common issues that may get in the way of maintaining a responsive feeding approach, and how best to support families will be discussed.

Occupational Therapy Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Dementia
Presented by Julia Wood, MOT, OTR/L
Course: #4716Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course introduces various dementias and the impact of the many symptoms on function and participation. Emphasis is on the use of evidence-based practice to develop a person-centered, occupation-based approach to treatment of individuals with these life-impacting cognitive impairments.

The Spaced Retrieval Technique: A How To For OTs
Presented by Megan L. Malone, MA, CCC-SLP
Course: #4695Level: Introductory1 Hour
This course will provide an overview of the spaced retrieval technique, which is a cognitive intervention that can improve recall of functional information. Participants will learn the evidence behind this technique as well as how to implement it in therapy sessions.

ACEs and the Body: How Adverse Childhood Experiences Impact Occupational Therapy
Presented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #4690Level: Introductory1 Hour
This course will discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences and they ways that these early experiences might present in fine motor difficulties and sensory integration difficulties. This course will look at ways that occupational therapists can leverage this knowledge to improve outcomes.

International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Framework and Rationale, Part 2
Presented by Denise Dougherty, MA, CCC-SLP
Course: #4646Level: Intermediate1 Hour
The IDDSI framework was finalized in 2015 and provides more comprehensive guidelines for diet selection. This seminar will discuss the framework, rationale for diet and liquid selections as well as testing methods.

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