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Searching all 45 courses
School-Based Occupational Therapy For Post-Concussed Youth: An Occupation-Based Framework
This course is designed for school-based occupational therapy (OT) practitioners who service post-concussed youth within the educational setting. The course describes a holistic and strengths-based approach to OT service provision for students experiencing occupational imbalance due to lingering post-concussion symptoms. It describes an occupation-based framework that promotes post-concussed youth recovery.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
School-Based Occupational Therapy For Post-Concussed Youth: An Occupation-Based Framework
This course is designed for school-based occupational therapy (OT) practitioners who service post-concussed youth within the educational setting. The course describes a holistic and strengths-based approach to OT service provision for students experiencing occupational imbalance due to lingering post-concussion symptoms. It describes an occupation-based framework that promotes post-concussed youth recovery.
School-Based Occupational Therapy For Post-Concussed Youth: An Occupation-Based Framework
Presented by Jennifer Morgan, OTD-PP, OTR/L
Course: #6625Level: Introductory1 Hour
AOTA/0.1 Introductory, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge, 11299; CE Broker/1.0 CE Broker #20-1279460; IACET/0.1; NBCOT PDUs/1.25 Beginner, Pediatrics
This course is designed for school-based occupational therapy (OT) practitioners who service post-concussed youth within the educational setting. The course describes a holistic and strengths-based approach to OT service provision for students experiencing occupational imbalance due to lingering post-concussion symptoms. It describes an occupation-based framework that promotes post-concussed youth recovery.
Mental Health In Aging Individuals With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities: Insights And Strategies
Many adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) have an increased propensity to experience mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Common mental health challenges faced by this population and the complexity of IDD are discussed in this course.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Mental Health In Aging Individuals With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities: Insights And Strategies
Many adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) have an increased propensity to experience mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Common mental health challenges faced by this population and the complexity of IDD are discussed in this course.
Mental Health In Aging Individuals With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities: Insights And Strategies
Presented by Christina Marsack-Topolewski, PhD, LMSW
Course: #6671Level: Introductory1 Hour
AOTA/0.1 Introductory, Foundational Knowledge, 11859; CE Broker/1.0 CE Broker #20-1286937; IACET/0.1; NBCOT PDUs/1.25 Beginner, Rehabilitation
Many adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) have an increased propensity to experience mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Common mental health challenges faced by this population and the complexity of IDD are discussed in this course.
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome: The Opposite Of ADHD?
We have all heard about ADD without the H. This diagnosis is called CDS (Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome). The signs and symptoms are apparent. These clients are easily confused, daydream, have decreased processing time, and are spacey, lethargic, and sluggish. This seminar will help you to better understand this individual and how best to facilitate success in their lives.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome: The Opposite Of ADHD?
We have all heard about ADD without the H. This diagnosis is called CDS (Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome). The signs and symptoms are apparent. These clients are easily confused, daydream, have decreased processing time, and are spacey, lethargic, and sluggish. This seminar will help you to better understand this individual and how best to facilitate success in their lives.
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome: The Opposite Of ADHD?
Presented by Tere Bowen-Irish, OTR/L
Course: #6622Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AOTA/0.1 Intermediate, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge, 11166; CE Broker/1.0 CE Broker #20-1273661; IACET/0.1; IBCCES/1.0; NBCOT PDUs/1.25 Intermediate, Rehabilitation
We have all heard about ADD without the H. This diagnosis is called CDS (Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome). The signs and symptoms are apparent. These clients are easily confused, daydream, have decreased processing time, and are spacey, lethargic, and sluggish. This seminar will help you to better understand this individual and how best to facilitate success in their lives.
Supporting Adults With IDD In The Workplace: How OTPs Can Play An Integral Role
Learn how to best support individuals with IDDs within the workplace through thorough and functional evaluations, adaptive and restorative interventions, staff education, and a guided-discovery approach to learning.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Supporting Adults With IDD In The Workplace: How OTPs Can Play An Integral Role
Learn how to best support individuals with IDDs within the workplace through thorough and functional evaluations, adaptive and restorative interventions, staff education, and a guided-discovery approach to learning.
Supporting Adults With IDD In The Workplace: How OTPs Can Play An Integral Role
Presented by Bridgette Pepmeyer, MOT, OTR/L
Course: #6649Level: Introductory1 Hour
AOTA/0.1 Introductory, OT Service Delivery, 11257; CE Broker/1.0 CE Broker #20-1273610; IACET/0.1; NBCOT PDUs/1.25 Beginner, Rehabilitation
Learn how to best support individuals with IDDs within the workplace through thorough and functional evaluations, adaptive and restorative interventions, staff education, and a guided-discovery approach to learning.
Cognitive Rehabilitation And TBI: Fundamental Considerations For Everyday OT Practice
Cognitive functions are essential to successful and satisfying participation in meaningful activities. This course will discuss strategies to address cognitive issues commonly associated with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Emphasis will be on functional cognitive approaches that OT practitioners can implement to improve client outcomes across practice settings.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Cognitive Rehabilitation And TBI: Fundamental Considerations For Everyday OT Practice
Cognitive functions are essential to successful and satisfying participation in meaningful activities. This course will discuss strategies to address cognitive issues commonly associated with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Emphasis will be on functional cognitive approaches that OT practitioners can implement to improve client outcomes across practice settings.
Cognitive Rehabilitation And TBI: Fundamental Considerations For Everyday OT Practice
Presented by Steven Wheeler, PhD, OTR/L, CBIS, FAOTA
Course: #6560Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AOTA/0.1 Intermediate, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge, 10539; CE Broker/1.0 CE Broker #20-1258290; IACET/0.1; NBCOT PDUs/1.25 Intermediate, Rehabilitation
Cognitive functions are essential to successful and satisfying participation in meaningful activities. This course will discuss strategies to address cognitive issues commonly associated with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Emphasis will be on functional cognitive approaches that OT practitioners can implement to improve client outcomes across practice settings.
Understanding Girls And Women With Autism In A World Where They Are Often Overlooked And Misdiagnosed
While the manifestation and exhibited characteristics associated with autism spectrum disorder in females often appear different than for males, females with autism are often misdiagnosed and overlooked altogether-- requiring them to navigate a world predicated on social interaction without a proper diagnosis and relevant services. This training will discuss how autism manifests for females and clinical considerations for practitioners.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Understanding Girls And Women With Autism In A World Where They Are Often Overlooked And Misdiagnosed
While the manifestation and exhibited characteristics associated with autism spectrum disorder in females often appear different than for males, females with autism are often misdiagnosed and overlooked altogether-- requiring them to navigate a world predicated on social interaction without a proper diagnosis and relevant services. This training will discuss how autism manifests for females and clinical considerations for practitioners.
Understanding Girls And Women With Autism In A World Where They Are Often Overlooked And Misdiagnosed
Presented by Christina Marsack-Topolewski, PhD, LMSW
Course: #6450Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AOTA/0.1 Intermediate, Foundational Knowledge, 09762; CE Broker/1.0 CE Broker #20-1224562; IACET/0.1; IBCCES/1.0; NBCOT PDUs/1.25 Intermediate, Rehabilitation
While the manifestation and exhibited characteristics associated with autism spectrum disorder in females often appear different than for males, females with autism are often misdiagnosed and overlooked altogether-- requiring them to navigate a world predicated on social interaction without a proper diagnosis and relevant services. This training will discuss how autism manifests for females and clinical considerations for practitioners.
Fall Prevention With Older Adults, Part 1 - Screening and Assessment
Falls can be devastating for older adults, and fall-related morbidity and mortality are on the rise. This course covers the epidemiology of falls, fall risk factors, and consequences of falls among older adults, as well as discusses guidelines for fall risk screening, how to choose fall risk functional measures, and how to complete the patient assessment.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Fall Prevention With Older Adults, Part 1 - Screening and Assessment
Falls can be devastating for older adults, and fall-related morbidity and mortality are on the rise. This course covers the epidemiology of falls, fall risk factors, and consequences of falls among older adults, as well as discusses guidelines for fall risk screening, how to choose fall risk functional measures, and how to complete the patient assessment.
Fall Prevention With Older Adults, Part 1 - Screening and Assessment
Presented by Sally Stillings, MA, PT, MPT, CHT
Course: #9603Level: Intermediate2 Hours
AOTA/0.2 Intermediate, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge, 09968; CE Broker/2.0 CE Broker #20-1238840; IACET/0.2; NBCOT PDUs/2.5 Intermediate, Geriatrics
Falls can be devastating for older adults, and fall-related morbidity and mortality are on the rise. This course covers the epidemiology of falls, fall risk factors, and consequences of falls among older adults, as well as discusses guidelines for fall risk screening, how to choose fall risk functional measures, and how to complete the patient assessment.
Fall Prevention With Older Adults: Part 2- Evidence-Based Interventions
Falls among older adults are a major healthcare problem. This course discusses evidence-based interventions to reduce fall risk, including assessment and modification of the home environment, inpatient and outpatient fall risk management, community-based programs, and individualized intervention focused on exercise, with case studies.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Fall Prevention With Older Adults: Part 2- Evidence-Based Interventions
Falls among older adults are a major healthcare problem. This course discusses evidence-based interventions to reduce fall risk, including assessment and modification of the home environment, inpatient and outpatient fall risk management, community-based programs, and individualized intervention focused on exercise, with case studies.
Fall Prevention With Older Adults: Part 2- Evidence-Based Interventions
Presented by Sally Stillings, MA, PT, MPT, CHT
Course: #9604Level: Intermediate2 Hours
AOTA/0.2 Intermediate, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge, 09968; CE Broker/2.0 CE Broker #20-1238860; IACET/0.2; NBCOT PDUs/2.5 Intermediate, Geriatrics
Falls among older adults are a major healthcare problem. This course discusses evidence-based interventions to reduce fall risk, including assessment and modification of the home environment, inpatient and outpatient fall risk management, community-based programs, and individualized intervention focused on exercise, with case studies.
Navigating The Journey: OT’s Role In Oncology And Navigating End-of-Life Care
How clinicians can successfully evaluate and treat clients in oncology rehabilitation throughout the continuum of care will be addressed in this course. Therapists will benefit from building their oncology rehabilitation expertise through current evidence, comprehensive intervention methods, case studies, and specific guidance for clients with various cancer diagnoses. A specialized focus on therapy’s role in end-of-life care will be provided.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Navigating The Journey: OT’s Role In Oncology And Navigating End-of-Life Care
How clinicians can successfully evaluate and treat clients in oncology rehabilitation throughout the continuum of care will be addressed in this course. Therapists will benefit from building their oncology rehabilitation expertise through current evidence, comprehensive intervention methods, case studies, and specific guidance for clients with various cancer diagnoses. A specialized focus on therapy’s role in end-of-life care will be provided.
Navigating The Journey: OT’s Role In Oncology And Navigating End-of-Life Care
Presented by Kirsten Davin, OTD, OTR/L, ATP, SMS, CAPS, CHSE
Course: #6393Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AOTA/0.1 Intermediate, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge, 09463; CE Broker/1.0 CE Broker #20-1197016; IACET/0.1; NBCOT PDUs/1.25 Intermediate, Rehabilitation
How clinicians can successfully evaluate and treat clients in oncology rehabilitation throughout the continuum of care will be addressed in this course. Therapists will benefit from building their oncology rehabilitation expertise through current evidence, comprehensive intervention methods, case studies, and specific guidance for clients with various cancer diagnoses. A specialized focus on therapy’s role in end-of-life care will be provided.
Rehabilitation Strategies For Persons With Dementia And Neuropsychiatric Conditions: What's The Evidence?
Current rehabilitation approaches for patients with a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, including dementia, schizophrenia, and functional movement disorders, will be addressed in this course. Evidence-based innovative interventions will target a variety of mobility and AOL limitations to enhance patients' function and overall quality of life and reduce caregiver burden.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Rehabilitation Strategies For Persons With Dementia And Neuropsychiatric Conditions: What's The Evidence?
Current rehabilitation approaches for patients with a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, including dementia, schizophrenia, and functional movement disorders, will be addressed in this course. Evidence-based innovative interventions will target a variety of mobility and AOL limitations to enhance patients' function and overall quality of life and reduce caregiver burden.
Rehabilitation Strategies For Persons With Dementia And Neuropsychiatric Conditions: What's The Evidence?
Presented by Dennis Klima, PT, MS, PhD, GCS, NCS
Course: #6261Level: Intermediate2 Hours
AOTA/0.2 Intermediate, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge, 08899; CE Broker/2.0 CE Broker #20-1167658; IACET/0.2; NBCOT PDUs/2.5 Intermediate, Rehabilitation
Current rehabilitation approaches for patients with a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, including dementia, schizophrenia, and functional movement disorders, will be addressed in this course. Evidence-based innovative interventions will target a variety of mobility and AOL limitations to enhance patients' function and overall quality of life and reduce caregiver burden.