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The robust OccupationalTherapy.com course library is developed and overseen by an experienced team of occupational therapists and industry professionals.

Nika Ball, MOT, OTR/L, ATP

Nika Ball


Senior CE Administrator/Assistant Editor

Fawn Carson, OTD, OTR/L, ATP

Fawn Carson


Senior Managing Editor

Ashley Burck, Associate Continuing Education Producer

Ashley Burck


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Franklin Stein, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Contributing Editor

Franklin Stein


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Featured Presenters

OccupationalTherapy.com instructors and guest editors are skilled clinicians and industry leaders whose courses consistently receive top ratings from our members.

Presenter: Liam Dougherty

Liam is completely immersed in the disability community. He is a board member of both Disabled in Action and the support coordination agency Liberty Community Connections, and a longtime member of ADAPT. He currently works with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health as the Access and Functional Needs Coordinator. He previously worked as a Project Coordinator at the disability advocacy nonprofit and Center for Independent Living (CIL) Liberty Resources. He received his BA in Liberal Arts at St. John’s College and his Masters in Public Administration from the University of Pennsylvania. Liam has a rare genetic disability called Friedreich’s ataxia and uses a wheelchair and many other adaptive products. He has personally felt the indignity and discomfort in buying the things that he hopes will make his life easier and wants to make a change to bring the disability community into the 21st century. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife and daughter.



Presenter: Dianna Lunsford OTD, M.Ed, OTR/L, CHT

Dianna Lunsford is an Assistant Professor at Gannon University, OTD program. Dianna has been an occupational therapist for 27 years and a certified hand therapist for almost 20. Dianna has presented locally, nationally and internationally and is a published author on a variety of topics.

Presenter: Steven Wheeler PhD, OTR/L, CBIS, FAOTA

Steven Wheeler is a professor and head of the Department of Communication Disorders and Occupational Therapy at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Wheeler has approximately 30 years of experience in brain injury-related teaching, research, and clinical work, has presented nationally and internationally, and has numerous publications, including co-authoring the most recent version of the American Occupational Therapy Association's Practice Guidelines for Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury. During his career, Dr. Wheeler has served as principal investigator for more than $3 million in grant-funded projects to improve the lives of individuals with traumatic brain injury and their families through advocacy, outreach, resource facilitation, and education.

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All OccupationalTherapy.com content is vetted by a distinguished Advisory Board that provides topic-specific content and curriculum development.

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