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The Advantages of Therapy Groups in Treating TBI

Steven Wheeler, PhD, OTR/L, CBIS

March 13, 2013



What are the advantages of therapy groups when treating executive cognitive deficits in patients with TBI?


Executive cognitive deficits are very common in patients with TBI.  One cognitive deficit noted is decreased self awareness and this is commonly associated with damage to the frontal lobe.  It is important for a client to increase their self awareness through natural interactions with peers.  One way this can be achieved is through group therapy.

There are many advantages to group therapy.  Group therapy can provide the therapist with information on how the client is likely to interact in the larger society.  It is a "social microcosm" in which to view a client's behavior.

It can also provide the client with feedback related to their social functioning.  As the clients become familiar with each other, they will begin to provide feedback to each other which is a more natural process than in a 1:1 interaction with a therapist.

Group therapy can also promote appropriate behaviors.  As they form relationships, they will work harder to gain positive feedback from the group which will motivate them to set goals and work toward them.


steven wheeler

Steven Wheeler, PhD, OTR/L, CBIS

Dr. Steven Wheeler is a professor and occupational therapy division chairperson at the West Virginia University School of Medicine. Before this, he served in a similar role at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Wheeler is also the principal investigator on the West Virginia TBI State Project, which seeks to monitor, expand, and improve the lives of TBI survivors and caregivers through education, advocacy, and community outreach. Dr. Wheeler received his PhD in Health-Related Sciences with a Specialization in Occupational Therapy from Virginia Commonwealth University. He has conducted TBI-related presentations nationally and internationally over the past 20 years. He has numerous publications, including co-authoring the American Occupational Therapy Association's “Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury.”

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