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Following Up With Companies After Interviews

Brian Weidner, M.B.A.

July 19, 2012



Do you think that it is important to follow-up with companies after interviewing even if you plan to take a job with another company?


I think it is a good idea to follow-up with all companies regardless whether you plan on working there or not.  It is important to network and keep in touch for future opportunities.  I would call or send an e-mail or handwritten note regarding your intention to take a job elsewhere.  Include in this note that you are interested in their organization and what they have to offer and that you would like to keep in touch for future opportunities. I think most companies would appreciate this gesture.

brian weidner

Brian Weidner, M.B.A.

Brian Weidner is President and Founder of Summit Leadership, LLC the parent company of and the Career Tree Network. Brian earned his Bachelors of Science degree from Bradley University and his MBA from University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.

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