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Exam Preview

Motor Supports For Handwriting Development

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1.  What is the consequence of handwriting difficulties?
  1. The student may develop writing avoidance behaviors.
  2. The student may struggle to take notes in class and be unable to read them later.
  3. The student may receive lower marks due to poor legibility.
  4. All of the above
2.  What is NOT an issue that can develop from limited infant time in prone?
  1. Reduced palmar arch development
  2. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
  3. Delayed or skipped crawling
  4. Reduced development of neck muscle control
3.  What is a method to downgrade/modify supine flexion?
  1. Have the student complete while standing
  2. Have the student complete while sitting on a therapy ball
  3. Have the student complete with feet up against a wall or solid furniture surface
  4. None of the above
4.  Which is NOT an inefficient pencil grasp pattern?
  1. Quadrupod
  2. Index hook
  3. Thumb wrap
  4. 3-Jaw chuck
5.  What does reduced fine motor control during handwriting impact?
  1. The ability to accurately start/stop within writing lines
  2. Smoothness of curved lines
  3. Straightness of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines
  4. All of the above