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Articles for OT CEUs

Animal Assisted Therapy As An Adjunct To OT

Melissa Winkle, OTR/L, FAOTA, CPDT-KA, Phoebe Yam, OTD, OTR/L

January 24, 2022

Occupational therapy practitioners who would like to include or improve their inclusion of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) in OT practice will benefit from this course. The speakers will provide a gener...   Read More


Covid-19 With Older Adults: An Update (Reboot)

Krista Covell-Pierson, OTR/L, BCB-PMD

January 18, 2022

Occupational Therapy Practitioners serve an important role for older adults amidst COVID19 as we address ADL, safety, quality of life, mental health, and other areas directly impacted by this virus. O...   Read More


Multisensory Stimulation Rooms for Persons with Dementia: Design on a Dime

Kathleen Weissberg, OTD, OTR/L, CMDCP, CDP

January 7, 2022

This session reviews the benefits and limitations of sensory stimulation for persons with dementia and design factors to consider when designing a multi-sensory space. This session will offer a “des...   Read More


Back to School: Discussing the Biomechanical Impact of Backpacks

Sara Loesche, MS, OTR/L, CHT

January 7, 2022

Carrying a backpack to school is a common activity demand of school-age children, and while there are many options for types of backpacks, there are ways to properly pack and wear a backpack to reduce...   Read More


An Occupational Therapist's Perspective On Visual Deficits in Pediatrics

Subah Gupta, MHS, OTR/L, SCLV, CBIS

January 7, 2022

This presentation reviews commonly encountered visual deficits in the pediatric population. Screening and intervention techniques within the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework will be discussed.   Read More


Seating Considerations in the Home Health Setting

Sara Kate Frye, OTD, MS, OTR/L, ATP

December 16, 2021

An overview of the unique considerations for seating and positioning in the home, best practices, and ethical dilemmas will be discussed with case examples in this course.   Read More


20Q: Psychosocial Practice

Virginia Stoffel, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

December 13, 2021

Virginia Stoffel is a distinguished administrator, author, professor, and researcher. She has served as president of the American Occupational Therapy Association, Chairman of the Department of Occupa...   Read More

Power Wheelchairs

Michelle Lange, OTR/L, ATP/SMS

December 5, 2021

This course introduces power-operated vehicles (scooters) and power wheelchairs, including features such as drive wheel configuration, power seating, and alternative driving methods.   Read More


OT Intervention Strategies for Diabetes Management

Rina Pandya, PT. DPT, FHEA, PGLTHE

November 9, 2021

As therapists, we are often involved in the symptomatic care of diabetes-related complications. This course will be presented from the perspective of the therapist not only in the curative phase but a...   Read More


Sensory Health: The Missing Piece in the Wellness Conversation

Catherine M. Cavaliere, PhD, OTR

November 8, 2021

The impact of sensory processing and integration on well-being and the role of sensory health in wellness models as well as the implications for health promotion and prevention through a sensory healt...   Read More


Treating Adolescents Diagnosed With Eating Disorders: An Occupational Therapy Approach

Maddie Duzyk, OTR/L

November 5, 2021

The social and physiological complexity of the eating disorder population and occupational therapy's unique role in treating this population are explored in this course.   Read More


Cognition and Cancer, Part 2

Theresa Marie Smith, OTR, PhD, CLVT

October 22, 2021

The content in this course focuses on assessments used to measure the executive function of breast cancer survivors and measurement issues. Outcomes of interventions used to improve cognition of breas...   Read More


Cognition and Cancer, Part 1

Theresa Marie Smith, OTR, PhD, CLVT

October 22, 2021

The content in this course includes the executive functions adversely affected for many breast cancer survivors and effects to their occupational performance. Other factors shown to contribute to cogn...   Read More


Aging in Place: An Occupational Therapy and CAPS Perspective

Sara Story, EdD, OTD, OTR/L, BCG, CAPS

October 22, 2021

This presentation describes the unique contributions occupational therapy practitioners can provide to clients who wish to age in place. Advanced certification, assessments, and innovative interventio...   Read More


Manual Wheelchair Mobility: Self-propulsion

Michelle Lange, OTR/L, ATP/SMS

October 21, 2021

Most manual wheelchairs are designed for self-propulsion and fall into categories. This course will systematically explore each category with clinical indicators, as well as optimal frame configuratio...   Read More


The Role of Resilience in Alzheimer's Dementia

Teresa Fair-Field, OTD, OTR/L

October 13, 2021

With current research focusing on resilience factors that may impact the presentation and severity of Alzheimer's, occupational therapists have an opportunity to activate an elder's best defense again...   Read More


Sensory Integration and Processing 101

Virginia Spielmann, PhD, OTR/L

October 6, 2021

This 1-hour introduction to Sensory Integration and Processing provides participants with an overview of the sensory systems, the SPD Nosology as developed by Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, and the functional...   Read More

Psychosocial Considerations in the Pediatric Acute Care Hospital Setting

Laura Stimler, OTD, OTR/L, BCP, C/NDT

September 30, 2021

This presentation will explore psychosocial issues children and their families experience during acute hospital admissions. Trends and reasons for hospitalizations will be described. Evidence-based oc...   Read More


Mental Health of Adolescents: Psychosocial Occupational Therapy for Adolescent Populations

William Lambert, MS, OTR/L

September 21, 2021

An overview of occupational therapy practice with adolescents experiencing mental health issues, including suicide and the effects of the pandemic will be presented. Common diagnoses, presenting probl...   Read More


20Q: Assessing the Role of Context in Cognitive Rehabilitation

Kinsuk Maitra, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

September 13, 2021

In this edition of a Salute to the OT Pioneers, we highlight Dr. Kinsuk Maitra. Dr. Maitra is a Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association and a distinguished professor and researcher. He...   Read More


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