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Articles for OT CEUs

Foundations for School Readiness: Early OT Exposure (EOTE), A Mindful OT Screening & Intervention (Day 4)

Angela Hissong, DEd, OTR/L, CMCP, CMMF, CIR

October 2, 2018

The course explores a screening tool, which links child's engagement with toys and activities to skill transfer in the educational environment. Contemplation of building a portfolio of assessment and...   Read More

The Relationship Between Adherence and Perceived Self-Efficacy: How To Improve Functional Outcomes By Motivating Your Clients

Caryn Shore-Genack, MS, OTR/L

October 1, 2018

The field of occupational therapy believes that through therapeutic use of self the skilled practitioner can select the just right challenge and in the process have a positive impact on the self-effic...   Read More


SIMQ: The Debrief and its Importance in the Simulation Learning Experience

Erin S. Clinard, MA, CCC-SLP

September 26, 2018

In this SimQ article, we will focus on a specific aspect of the simulation learning experience; the debrief. The discussion will address the importance of the debrief as part of the learning process....   Read More

Foundations for School Readiness: Executive Functioning in the Classroom (Day 3)

Cara Koscinski, MOT, OTR/L

September 25, 2018

We use executive function skills to manage tasks we complete every day. They help us to decide what to pay attention to as well as help us to manage emotions and regulate behavior. This course helps t...   Read More

Foundations for School Readiness: Visual and Fine Motor Skills (Day 2)

Emily Dassow, OTR/L

September 20, 2018

Participants will learn how fine motor and visual motor skills and development effect students' ability to access curriculum. Practical strategies and treatment interventions will be presented to impr...   Read More

20Q: Legacy of a Cognitive Researcher

Carolyn Baum, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

September 18, 2018

Carolyn Baum is one of the most prominent leaders in occupational therapy. This course outlines her contributions to occupational cognitive research over the last 40 years.   Read More


Foundations for School Readiness: Sensory Regulation and Yoga (Day 1)

Britt Collins, MS, OTR/L

September 10, 2018

This course will provide you tips and tools to integrate sensory regulation, yoga and mindfulness into the classroom for children of all abilities.   Read More

Entrepreneurship for the OT Professional

Krista Covell-Pierson, OTR/L, BCB-PMD

August 31, 2018

Do you dream of starting your own business but don't know where to start? This course will give you practical tips and help OT professionals get started on making their career dreams come true.   Read More

Stress, Trauma and Mindfulness: Self-Care for Healthcare Professionals

August 27, 2018

In order to treat the whole patient, we need an understanding of how stress and trauma impacts their treatment, as well as the importance of self-care to keep us sustained. Participants will be able t...   Read More

Primitive Reflexes and How They Impact Development

Emily Roper Prentice, INPP

August 27, 2018

Infants are born with a set of primitive reflexes that should inhibit within the first year after birth. This course looks at the impact that primitive reflexes have on brain and body development when...   Read More


Typical Development

Emily Roper Prentice, INPP

August 22, 2018

This course is about the complex process of normal development. Its goal is to help participants understand what happens when children develop typically so that they can have a better understanding of...   Read More

Talking About the Unspoken: Death & Dying

Sharon L. Gorman, PT, DPTSc, GCS

August 17, 2018

One experience links all humans regardless of the variety of factors that may differentiate us, death. Learn about open-ended communication techniques, including specific questions, to help open dialo...   Read More

Implementing RtI for School-Based OTs and PTs: Supporting Struggling Learners

Jean Polichino, MS, OTR, FAOTA

August 17, 2018

In order to make meaningful contributions to general education Response to Intervention (RtI) activities, school-based occupational therapy and physical therapy practitioners must understand the RtI m...   Read More


Children's Environments: Accessibility Consultation for Safety, Independence, and Learning

Shoshana Shamberg, OTR/L, MS, FAOTA

August 17, 2018

Occupational therapists specially trained in accessibility issues and legislative compliance are crucial to targeting barriers and providing solutions to maximize safety, independence, working and lea...   Read More


Everyday Application of the AOTA Code of Ethics

Jane Dressler, JD, OTR/L

August 7, 2018

A two-hour overview for OT practitioners that explores daily ethical responsibilities, ethical decision-making models and application of material to attendee’s real life ethical issues.   Read More


Animal-Assisted Interventions for Older Adults

Beth Fields, PhD, OTR/L

August 2, 2018

This webinar will provide an overview of the role of animal interactions for older adults and the role of occupational therapy practitioners in supporting the human animal bond. We will discuss how oc...   Read More

Advocacy Strategies for the Occupational Therapy Assistant

Sara Loesche, MS, OTR/L, CHT

July 27, 2018

This course will explore the role of the occupational therapy assistant and its value to the occupational therapy profession as well as larger health care, educational, and community contexts. Strateg...   Read More

Down Syndrome 101 for Pediatric OTs

Cara Koscinski, MOT, OTR/L

July 20, 2018

Children with Down Syndrome often exhibit differences in tone, joints, feeding, heart and respiratory problems, as well as behavioral and co-morbid conditions. Understanding the complexities of the co...   Read More


The ADLs You Didn't Know You Were Missing

July 18, 2018

This course focuses on providing the practicing physical therapist and physical therapist assistant with practical competency and knowledge on common dysfunctions that may be seen in patients with pel...   Read More

Fieldwork Education: Cultural Considerations for the Clinical Educator

Vikram Pagpatan, MS, OTR/L, ATP

July 14, 2018

This course will seek to explore, discuss and analyze cultural sensitivities and contextual considerations for the clinical educator when mentoring a fieldwork level student.   Read More

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