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Ask the Experts

Protocol for Becoming An Orientation Specialist

Al Copolillo, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA

October 16, 2012

How do you become an "Orientation Specialist" to treat vision impairments?   Read More

Replacing Pediatric Seating

Michelle Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS

October 9, 2012

How often can we replace pediatric seating systems?   Read More


Follow-up Treatment Schedule for Pediatric Seating

Michelle Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS

October 9, 2012

How often do you follow-up with a pediatric client after a seating evaluation?   Read More


Training Clients in Passive ROM Techniques for Tendon Injuries

Rebecca Neiduski, Ph.D., OTR/L, CHT

September 25, 2012

Can a client be trained in passive ROM and "place and hold" techniques such as Duran's protocol and perform this independently at home?   Read More

Special Equipment Used with Disabled During Aquatic Therapy

Erika Kemp, M.S., OTR/L

September 18, 2012

Do you use special lifts or equipment in the pool to help disabled clients?   Read More

Balancing Activity and Rest During Cancer Rehabilitation

Julie Silver, M.D.

September 4, 2012

How can occupational therapists teach clients, in cancer rehabilitation, to balance rest with activities?   Read More

Sensory Smart Classrooms

Britt Collins, MS, OTR/L

August 28, 2012

Have you found that schools and teachers are receptive to "sensory smart" classroom techniques that allow opportunities for movement and sensory stimulation throughout the day?   Read More

Importance of Caregiver Training Sessions in Transition of Care

Shelly Mesure, M.S., OTR/L

August 22, 2012

Why it is important for the patient to be present during the caregiver training sessions?   Read More


Important Factors in Promoting Fracture Healing

Rebecca Neiduski, Ph.D., OTR/L, CHT

August 21, 2012

What are some important factors in promoting fracture healing?   Read More

Close Packed Position for Distal Radius Fractures

Rebecca Neiduski, Ph.D., OTR/L, CHT

August 21, 2012

What is the "close-packed" position for wrist (radiocarpal) fractures?   Read More

Burn Support Groups

Jennifer Conway, OTR/L

August 16, 2012

Do you have any support groups at the hospital for burn patients and their families?   Read More

Training Time for Adapted Driving Controls

Theresa Berner, MOT, OTR/L, ATP

August 7, 2012

How long do you typically take to train a client on adapted driving controls?   Read More


Marketing Occupational Therapy to Cardiac Rehab Programs

Belkis Landa-Gonzalez, Ed.D., OTR/L

July 25, 2012

How would you recommend marketing OT to a cardiac rehab program?   Read More


Following Up With Companies After Interviews

Brian Weidner, M.B.A.

July 19, 2012

Do you think that it is important to follow-up with companies after interviewing even if you plan to take a job with another company?   Read More

Splinting with Scleroderma

Janet Poole, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA

July 11, 2012

Do you recommend splinting with scleroderma?   Read More

Risk of Joint Injury with Scleroderma

Janet Poole, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA

July 11, 2012

Is there any risk of injuring joints during aggressive range of motion exercises with persons with scleroderma?   Read More

Increase in Reynaud's Symptomatology with Scleroderma

Janet Poole, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA

July 11, 2012

Is it typical for Reynaud's disease symptomatology to increase in severity over time in persons with scleroderma?   Read More

Importance of Cognitive Profile in Early Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease

Erin Foster, OTD, MSCI, OTR/L

July 3, 2012

How important is it to get a cognitive profile on clients with an early diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease?   Read More


Early Cognitive Intervention with Parkinson's Disease

Erin Foster, OTD, MSCI, OTR/L

July 3, 2012

How does early cognitive intervention help with Parkinson's Disease?   Read More


Overview of Young Children's Participation Environmental Measure (YC-PEM)

Mary Khetani, Sc.D., OTR

June 27, 2012

Can you give an overview of the YC-PEM (Version B)?   Read More


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